Saturday, September 27, 2008
The GREAT news!
We brought him to a specialist on Thursday, and they confirmed it. Poor kitty has gone through two weeks of hell. Blood tests, ultrasounds, x-rays...
The final analysis is that his own body is attacking his red blood cells. No one knows why, but that is why we were seeing blood in his urine, and why he was so sluggish.
He's on steroids now, and some other antibiotics - but we're seeing a whole new Monte now. He's eating again, drinking water, running around, and just so incredibly loving. We can't sit without finding him in our laps almost immediately. And just to hear the most divine music every day (his purr) - there are no words to describe it.
One more visit next Friday to see if he's gained some weight back and to check if the medications are helping his blood production.
Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers for my little guy. He may be old (16 next month), but he's got some more time with us.
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Unknown
Well folks, Monte isn't doing too well. He's very tired (sleeping all day), and he's not eating much, so he's losing weight. He had a bad cold a couple weeks ago, and he's better from that already - but that didn't bring his appetite back. His whole routine/behavior has changed.
In checking something else online last week, my hubby read something about checking the cat's gums and tongue. Unfortunately, they were very pale - which means he could be anemic. I guess it's a common occurance for cats with chronic renal failure, which Monte has. When he was diagnosed back in March, he was at the very beginning stages of it. He had to be checked twice to be sure - it was so minimal.
We took him to the vet last week. They thought he may have a urinary tract infection - so he's on anti-biotics. Further tests of his blood leaves a question - and that requires more bloodwork and now an ultrasound and a full body x-ray.
I'm freaking out. Words have been tossed out there about the unknown... blood parasites, he may have had a stroke, cancer...
I know he's not leaving us right away, but the reality is there, and doesn't seem that far away anymore. What am I going to do without my Monte? He's everything to me. I held him in my arms today and made a determined memory of what it felt like. I want to keep every memory of him. How his fur feels, what his purrs sound like when I rest my head on him, that sweet meow of greeting when we walk through the door after work.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Cloud 9
Why am I on Cloud 9 though? The day started out interestingly enough. Since I've been out of the office the last week, my coworkers took it upon themselves to totally load up my cube with cardboard boxes. A ton of them. Thanks guys.
So there I was for part of the morning, clearing out boxes and plotting revenge. Went for a late coffee run, and on my way back, who do I run into? Our beautiful Mayor, Gavin Newsom. HELLO GORGEOUS. I was so giddy, I couldn't take a proper picture. Luckily I grabbed someone close by and they took the picture for me. :)
I might as well go home. I'm useless today. He's just dreamy.
I'm married, but I'm not blind.

So all I can say is, "Thanks guys for messing up my office, and making me go for my morning coffee run late." HAHAHA!
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Some things you just don't want to hear...
I couldn't help myself. I went downstairs and stayed with him for a while through the gate. After he accepted that I wasn't going to let him out, he sat by me and I just pet him. He's a good little dog.
A security passed by and told me that the dog had gotten through the gate earlier today, but he wasn't sure if it was the owners or someone else had tied him to the gate with the leash. The dog had been crying for hours already.
While security and I were there, the owners came back. I felt like cursing them out, but I guess they didn't know the dog could get out of the patio area. It's not a small space - he would have had plenty of room to run around. His kennel was also out there and some toys - I think he would have been OK.
Maybe (hopefully) they'll put something on the gate to prevent him from getting out again. But it's so windy here, they really shouldn't leave the little guy outside all day anyway.
Found out yesterday that our new neighbors are smokers too. Can't tell them not to smoke on their own patio. How do I know they smoke? The smell comes straight into our unit. Isn't that lovely? It's 80+ degrees outside lately - can't exactly close our windows. No AC.
Makes me love my neighbors even more.