Sorry to be out of touch for so long. It's been a roller coaster ride with Monte and while it's leveling off a bit now, we're still in the middle of tests and trying to find out what we can do to make Monte comfy.
To spare the details about the endless vet visits, we're at a point where we've found that Monte is just not generating enough red blood cells. No one knows why. He has CRF and anemia is a symptom of it, but he's no where near that stage yet.
Monte gets a shot (at home) every other day for the next three weeks. We hope that this will help kick up the regeneration of blood cells. He's been eating more the last two weeks or so, and has gained back a pound. He's not as boney as he was before. We hope he'll continue to gain weight. He's more active and doesn't feel the need to hide all the time now. He's definitely more loving - nudging us, demanding some hugs.
It's good to hear those loud purrs again.