... and I'm trying to keep up.
The last couple of months have been extremely busy at work. As a result, when I get home, I tend to just zone out in front of the TV or computer and just look at brain candy sites, or play video games. I've recently discovered the joy of Guitar Hero... yeah, I'm a nerd.
Monte has been doing better. His blood count is back up. He did have a couple of weeks where it dropped again, because the vet changed his med dosage. When we changed it back, his numbers went back up immediately. I also gave him his shot for the first time last week. My hubby usually gets that honor. I just can't help but feel that I'm hurting him and I freak out. Anyway, I know I can do it now (when I need to).
On a much lighter note, I'm feeling like a kid again - rediscovering make-up! I've found these great tutorial videos on YouTube and have been experimenting with different products and colors. Yep, stuff I did when I started wearing make-up back in high school. Of course, nowadays, there's much more stuff to select from and enjoy!
To the ladies out there, I'm so excited about this one product, I have to share. I don't know how I've lived without this before. Too Faced Shadow Insurance. Girls - it's amazing. I get greasy eyelids that tend to crease regardless of whatever eyeshadow I use. I've used the Shadow Insurance for about two weeks now - no more creasing. Seriously. None! It's $17 at Sephora. A bit pricy, but you use so little of it each time, the tube will last forever. And now I actually enjoy wearing eye make-up because I don't feel it's just being wasted.
Silly stuff, I know - but with work and Monte, I just need some non-serious fun.
Also tried out Everyday Minerals make-up. I tried it only because you can get a free sample kit of three shades of foundation, a blush and a concealer - you only pay for shipping of about $3 (at least, that's what it cost for me). Unfortunately, one of the shades of the mineral make-up made me breakout in hives (light olive), but their flat top brush rocks! So soft - it feels like feathers on your skin when applying mineral make-up. I use it with my Bare Minerals now.
Another great find is e.l.f. (eyeslipsface.com). GREAT deals on brushes... most are only $1. ONE DOLLAR! Where can you get anything nowadays for a buck? Anyway, the eyeshadow brushes are amazing. No more $18 ones from Sephora for me. Ever.
Yep - getting really girly lately, but that's OK. :) These are some great bargains and products and I just thought it would be fun to share with my friends. Enjoy!