Sorry folks, but it's been another busy month. I can't believe I didn't write at all the entire month of April. Family events, friend events, workload... too many things happening at once. Didn't think I would ever experience 6 hour meetings, or worse, all day meetings, but I've had a few of them recently - and let me tell ya, didn't think I could get so tired sitting at a table all day long. My brain needs a vacation.
Unfortunately, any time I think of vacation, I remember that we can't leave Monte alone anymore. He needs meds in the morning and night. Nothing big, but we do have to feed him a pill. It's also unfortunate that we don't have many friends who are 'cat people' who can do the pill thing. So, we're trying to figure it out. Got some good offers for Vegas this summer - would love to take advantage of one of them for a long weekend.
At this rate, nothing will be planned for a while... I may need to take off on my own for a weekend and unwind. Hubby will have to stay home.
Things should calm down by September (when my big project at work is over), but that's so far off! WAH!!!