Friday, August 03, 2012

A motherly rant

When did society become so quick to judge and push that what feels right for one is right for ALL?  We've become so afraid of everything, it's ridiculous.  Is this generation so screwed up by things our parents did when we were children that this is a backlash against how we were raised? 

These are the hot topics that irk me every time I read an article about them.  I've learned to skip those articles now.

Harness = leash
Playpen = cage
Formula feeding = you're a bad mother
Spanking = you're an abusive parent
Antibacterial everything = you're protecting your child from germs.

If my son is a runner, hell yeah I'm putting the harness on him.  Better to pull him back if he starts running across the street and I'm not quick enough to pull him back in time.  And spare me the "you should teach your kid..." lecture.  A toddler running is a toddler running.  No time for hoping your teachings kick in before he steps off the curb.  How many kids have you seen break off from their parent who wants to hold their hand because they want to walk alone?  The parent may grab their hand again, but for that brief moment, that kid was free to run.  You have to know your child and discipline as such.  No two children are the same.  I'd like to think that if I wasn't holding my son's hand, he would just stand there next to me. 

Playpen = yes, we have ours ready.  We have a small condo with no storage.   Until my son learns what is ok to touch and not to touch, occasionally he will be in the playpen while mama takes a shower or needs to do something that requires her not to be like a hawk on him ever second. 

Formula vs. breastmilk, every family has a different preference and reason, and it's their choice.  Butt out of their business.  One is not less of a mother if they chose to use formula.  I was a formula baby and I know that my mother loved/loves me beyond words.  Currently, I am breastfeeding my son, and I love him just as much.

Spanking = if my kid is bad, yes, there will be spanking.  I will not beat the sh*t out of my child, but if needed, I will spank.  I was spanked as a child.  I am not mentally scarred for life.  I do not consider myself abused as a child.  I was spanked when I was bad. 

Germs = my son needs to build up an immune system.  A kid is going to get dirty.  I'm not one to have everyone bathe in hand sanitizer before coming over to visit and play with my son. 

In my own opinion, we're raising a generation to be afraid of everything.  I don't want my son to live like that.  Of course, I am aware of various diseases and such, and he will get the vaccinations he needs.  He will wash his hands after playing in the park, but I'm not going to be spritzing his hands with sanitizer after he touches everything.  Sometimes too much is enough - and there's just too much judgement of others.

I feel I've been a good mother since I learned I was pregnant with my son, and I will continue to be a good mother as he grows up.