In case you're wondering about my blog name, Monte is my beloved cat. He was a neighborhood stray that wandered into our back yard almost nine years ago. Well, correction, one night when my husband, then boyfriend, was leaving my apartment, he came across this skinny black cat who was meowing like there was no tomorrow. If not for the fur, you probably could have seen all his ribs. Being the wonderful man that he is, my hubby actually went to the grocery store to buy some cat food, and came back to find this kitty. This was at 1am, mind you. So, this poor, starving little one got a big meal that night and a lot of love.
A week later, my husband and I moved into one of the back apartments that faced the yard. He looked out of the window that first day and saw the black cat again. We called to him - and he ran to us and jumped in through our window. He's been at home since.
I am very allergic to cats, so I was very weary about him coming into our apartment. But as we all know, we don't really adopt our pets, they adopt us. And this was the case with Monte. Right from the start I noticed that he didn't make me sneeze or make me all teary eyed. It was meant to be.
Here's Monte...

Monte is a beautiful black and white tuxedo cat. And he really does look like he's wearing a tuxedo. He's black all over, with white paws. His chest is white, and he has an oval shaped black spot under his chin. I call it his bow tie. His coloring is very proportioned, so he really does have the perfect tuxedo.
He was originally named after the Monte Carlo Hotel in Las Vegas (I LOVE Vegas), but my husband likes calling him Montague (Mon-tah-guay). Sounds more regal, doesn't it? He acts like the king of the castle anyway, so it's fitting. But he'll always be my sweet little Monte Kitty.
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