Crazy kitty...
I finally found a use for the practice square I crocheted last week... Cat toy. Monte LOVES it. I've never seen him play with anything with such intensity as he does this little blue square with the long tail. The tail is simply a string of yarn about 4 feet long, and I hold onto it while I dangle it in front of Monte. You should see him. He goes from a curled fur ball in deep sleep, to full on attack mode in seconds. His eyes become dilated. He hunches over, slowly taking a quiet step. The fur on his back twitching. Watching... waiting... Then suddenly, he springs his entire 14 pound body onto the helpless patch of material, sliding a few inches on the carpet along the way. He goes through this cycle for the next half hour.

Monte does have a full basket of kitty toys. One year for Christmas, my dad bought me a little metal shopping cart. It's cute, but don't know what people usually use it for, so we used it to hold all of Monte's toys. We used to come home after work and find random cat toys scattered around the living room. I thought my mom, when she came over to check on Monte, had pulled out some toys from the basket so he could play with them. Nope. One day, I saw Monte poke his head into the basket, and after some digging around, pulled out a couple of his favorite toys. Now, if only he knew how to put them back...
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