It's one of the One hour Baby Booties from Stitch 'N Bitch Nation. Before I sewed it together I just couldn't see how this thing was supposed to be a baby bootie. Now that it's sewn, it does look as it should, but I still can't see how anything can fit into something SO TINY!!! My goodness!
I want to make a pair of these for one of my college friends in So Cal, who is due in September. While I was the first to get married, she's the first of the group to become a mommy! We're all very excited.
But this booty is so small - I want to make something her baby can wear for more than a day before he outgrows it. This was just knitted on my testing yarn to see if I could do it. The real pair will be made from much softer yarn, and I'll use bigger needles. I used size 8 needles for this bootie.
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