As I wrote in my last entry, what more could you want out of life than good friends? Well, tonight, a very special group of people who are near and dear to my heart, really out did themselves. Nearly made me cry.
My husband and I went over to my friend Sue's place this afternoon for the BBQ taste test. As we all sat around chatting and snacking, Sue suddenly announces that there was an ulterior motive to this party. Out comes this big gift wrapped box with a sparkely yellow bow on it. It was a housewarming gift for us! Just reading the card was enough to get me teary - to see how happy our friends were that we were finally home owners.
What did they give us? A Kitchenaid mixer! Ah, but not just any Kitchenaid mixer. It's the PINK one!!! And not just the pink one, the SHINY pink one! Oh JOY! I have been wanting this mixer since forever! I never bought it because we never had room in our kitchen at the old apartment, and the current models of the mixer now come in a matte finish, which I don't like. Somehow, my friends found the exact one I wanted. I couldn't believe it. I get a big lump in my throat just thinking about what a wonderful group of people my friends are.
The first thing I did when we came home tonight was to make a special place of honor on the counter for my prized mixer. Oh, what a thing of beauty it is. First culinary masterpiece that will be made from my beloved mixer? Cherry topped, cheesecake cupcakes for my friends. Now, if I could just find my recipe book in our pyramid of boxes...
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