I didn't have a link to the site where I had originally downloaded my blog template while I was at work, but luckly I had saved the link as a Favorite at home. The site had moved! And there was a notice that the template was no longer going to be hosted from that site anymore. Bummer! But lucky me, the person who put the site together actually took the time to make it so that, if you could find another spot to host the images, the files are yours to use. THANK YOU!!!
After almost four hours of copying, pasting, testing, starting over again and again, I finally got all the files and images I needed in just the right spots. The biggest difference is my sidebar. Instead of the lighter shade of green that normally complimented top bar of darker green, it's now a yellowish color. I don't like it at all, but it will have to do for now. At least I have all my pretty little flowers back on the title bar and the pink is mainly in the background again. I'll have to find a nice light green shade and figure out how to get it into the template.
It's amazing I figured out any of this stuff. It was all trial and error.
So to celebrate the return of Monte Kitty in all its pastel glory, here is another special Monte Moment to enjoy...

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