I am supposed to crochet a cap for him. I have the yarn already and everything. DAMN!!! I can't believe I forgot. I've actually been working on my hoodie sweater the past few nights. Just something to keep my hands busy while we're catching up on some TV shows I've taped. I've gotten past adding one color for three rows, and now I'm in the middle of adding on 4" of the third color. I should have been working on the cap this whole time.
So, guess what I'm doing tonight?
Hmmm, maybe I took on too much with this homecrafted gift idea. Can't give up yet though. I've still got two months. If I pull this off... I'll just have to reward myself at Christmas with something already made by someone else. :)
Totally off the subject. Guess who I saw a few weeks ago at Macy's? One of my idols! Sarah Jessica Parker! I was meeting a friend for lunch - and she was telling me how she was waiting for the elevator downstairs in the watch section, when out comes this petite woman, surrounded by these massive bodyguards. Well, she didn't realize who this woman was until she had already walked away. Turns out SJP was there to promote her new perfume, Lovely. I totally missed the commotion, because I went straight from the Geary St. entrance and up the elevator to the restaurant.
After lunch, I decided to take a chance and see if SJP was still there. I've never seen a line that long at Macy's. They had set up a queue between all the makeup counters on the main level. Through the crowd, I got close enough to get a good look at the lovely Ms. Parker. She is gorgeous. And she's soooo petite! I was so tempted to call work and tell them I would be very late. She was signing autographs if you bought her perfume. Well, I decided, I don't wear perfume, so it would be a waste of money - and I already saw her. Stupid me though - I didn't get a picture. Unfortunately, it was after the fact that it dawned on me that I have a camera phone. :P

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