Last night, we had a suprise party for my friend Sue. Her birthday was a few weeks ago, but different events and timing issues forced us to delay celebration events until now - which was perfect because she didn't suspect a thing.
After many emails back and forth, her boyfriend and I were able to set up a dinner at one of their favorite neighborhood restaurants and the Evite went out. Almost everyone arrived on time - and when Sue finally showed up, the look on her face was priceless. I knew exactly what she was thinking because my hubby helped surprise my for my bridal shower a few years ago.
You see people you know, completely out of context, and so your brain is telling you "Hey it's so and so!" and then you look around and think, "Hey, so and so is here too? How are they hanging out together?" It just doesn't make sense. It's a wonderfully odd feeling - and when you finally accept what is happening, it's just such a elated feeling that your friends did something like this for you and you know you're in for a fabulous time. And I hope that's what Sue felt last night.
We did have a wonderful time. I haven't laughed so hard in quite a while. We really do have a special group of people who really get along and have so many interesting things to talk about. And most importantly, these are really good people at heart.
So, happy belated birthday, Sue! We all love you!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Lookie what I just discovered!
Check it out!

It's a Playstation 2 game based on Taiko drumming! Ha! I must have it, but I promised myself not to buy anything frivolus until after the Europe trip. But it's so cute - and I know I would kick ass on it. I still look at my old beat up bachi (drum sticks) and think back to five years ago when I was taking lessons once a week in South San Francisco. I love Taiko. I love the way your heart just trembles when the bachi connects with the huge Odaiko drum. The rumbling that just surges through you like a never ending thunder storm. It's an incredible feeling.

My hubby came home around 8p tonight - so we were able to have dinner together. We usually don't eat this late, but lately, I'm lucky if he's able to get home to eat at all. He has another full day tomorrow, but at least tonight, we were able to snuggle up and catch up on some of our favorite TV shows.
We finally saw the second half of Grey's Anatomy. The first part aired right after the Superbowl (yes, we're a few weeks behind). It was an excellent epidode. Very intense - I'm still thinking about the storyline. I love this show. I especially love Patrick Dempsey. He's so hot. I never liked him when he was younger, but since I saw him in Scream 3 and Sweet Home Alabama, I've been hooked. That smile, his eyes, that hair. LOVE HIM!!! (Hey, I may be married, but I'm not blind).

It's a Playstation 2 game based on Taiko drumming! Ha! I must have it, but I promised myself not to buy anything frivolus until after the Europe trip. But it's so cute - and I know I would kick ass on it. I still look at my old beat up bachi (drum sticks) and think back to five years ago when I was taking lessons once a week in South San Francisco. I love Taiko. I love the way your heart just trembles when the bachi connects with the huge Odaiko drum. The rumbling that just surges through you like a never ending thunder storm. It's an incredible feeling.

My hubby came home around 8p tonight - so we were able to have dinner together. We usually don't eat this late, but lately, I'm lucky if he's able to get home to eat at all. He has another full day tomorrow, but at least tonight, we were able to snuggle up and catch up on some of our favorite TV shows.
We finally saw the second half of Grey's Anatomy. The first part aired right after the Superbowl (yes, we're a few weeks behind). It was an excellent epidode. Very intense - I'm still thinking about the storyline. I love this show. I especially love Patrick Dempsey. He's so hot. I never liked him when he was younger, but since I saw him in Scream 3 and Sweet Home Alabama, I've been hooked. That smile, his eyes, that hair. LOVE HIM!!! (Hey, I may be married, but I'm not blind).

The latest on Monte
On Thursday, Monte had his appointment for the ultrasound for his heart, and a blood test for his thyroid. My hubby woke me up a little before 6:30a - which is when my alarm is supposed to go off. By 6:35a, I was still trying to wake up, but then suddenly all the power went out. Great. So, I basically got ready by candle light - I already decided that it would be a wet hair ponytail day. I didn't feel like bringing my hairdryer to work and hiding out in the bathroom for 15 minutes.
Anyway, we got a very whiny kitty into his carrier and my husband took off to the vet. We had to drop him off at the pet hospital between 7a - 9a. Around 7:15a, the power came back on - so I dried my hair as fast as I could. Not even a minute from when I finished, the building alarm came on. But instead of the usual "this is a drill" type fire alarm, this one told us to evacuate. I don't think I've ever gotten dressed so quickly in my life - I was out the door within 2 minutes. I guess I was lucky that Monte was on his way to the vet - there is no way I can get him into the carrier. He always manages to wiggle out of my arms - and can you imagine if he was already freaked by the alarm?
In the hall, I looked around. Smelled the air. Nothing. I'm sure it was just a result of the power outage in the building, but still - I took the stairs down and made it to the MUNI right at the door closed. WHEW!
I have a very short commute, and the MUNI trains run above ground for most of my route. Going into work, the train eventually goes into a tunnel and continues underground. Right at the mouth of the tunnel, the power went out. Unbelievable! Luckily, we were moving again in a few minutes. I got to work in time to get myself a latte before heading into the office.
Anyway, my hubby dropped Monte off and headed into work. By 3pm, we still had not heard anything. Calling the vet, they said that Monte (of course) was being difficult. They did the ultrasound, but not the blood test yet. My husband was mad that they didn't call, and he headed out to the vet to get Monte and bring him home. By the time he got there, the doctor has managed to get the blood test done. The results of the ultrasound had also come in - Monte had a thickened artery wall. It's not treatable. But he seems fine though!!! He's been playing a lot lately and his appetite is healty and normal. He's not gaining or losing weight. I don't know what to do. We already decided that a pacemaker is not an option that we want for Monte. We feel that that would change his life more than it should. It's important he just feel happy and secure at home.
A good nights rest was what our little one needed - the next day, he was pulling out toys from his little box and running all over the place again. It was a welcome sight. My husband needs to find time to talk to the vet in more detail about what the tests came back with though. Unfortunately, when he went to go pick Monte up, he was just so upset and stressed out that he didn't want to talk to them then.
The week has been a quiet one at home every weeknight. My hubby has been working 14 hour days - most nights coming back at 9p or 10p. This transition/merge thing of his old and new business is really stressing him out. He calls and complains - I know he wants to just quit, but can't. I wish I could help. It's a long weekend, yet he's already told me he has to work all three days. Bummer. I told him last night - when things calm down and there is a day he can play hookie, I will call in sick and we'll just hang out somewhere. Maybe go to Napa for the day or something. I know we have a big vacation coming up at the end of March, but that's still a month away. When you're stressed, you're stressed. One month can seem a lifetime.
Anyway, we got a very whiny kitty into his carrier and my husband took off to the vet. We had to drop him off at the pet hospital between 7a - 9a. Around 7:15a, the power came back on - so I dried my hair as fast as I could. Not even a minute from when I finished, the building alarm came on. But instead of the usual "this is a drill" type fire alarm, this one told us to evacuate. I don't think I've ever gotten dressed so quickly in my life - I was out the door within 2 minutes. I guess I was lucky that Monte was on his way to the vet - there is no way I can get him into the carrier. He always manages to wiggle out of my arms - and can you imagine if he was already freaked by the alarm?
In the hall, I looked around. Smelled the air. Nothing. I'm sure it was just a result of the power outage in the building, but still - I took the stairs down and made it to the MUNI right at the door closed. WHEW!
I have a very short commute, and the MUNI trains run above ground for most of my route. Going into work, the train eventually goes into a tunnel and continues underground. Right at the mouth of the tunnel, the power went out. Unbelievable! Luckily, we were moving again in a few minutes. I got to work in time to get myself a latte before heading into the office.
Anyway, my hubby dropped Monte off and headed into work. By 3pm, we still had not heard anything. Calling the vet, they said that Monte (of course) was being difficult. They did the ultrasound, but not the blood test yet. My husband was mad that they didn't call, and he headed out to the vet to get Monte and bring him home. By the time he got there, the doctor has managed to get the blood test done. The results of the ultrasound had also come in - Monte had a thickened artery wall. It's not treatable. But he seems fine though!!! He's been playing a lot lately and his appetite is healty and normal. He's not gaining or losing weight. I don't know what to do. We already decided that a pacemaker is not an option that we want for Monte. We feel that that would change his life more than it should. It's important he just feel happy and secure at home.
A good nights rest was what our little one needed - the next day, he was pulling out toys from his little box and running all over the place again. It was a welcome sight. My husband needs to find time to talk to the vet in more detail about what the tests came back with though. Unfortunately, when he went to go pick Monte up, he was just so upset and stressed out that he didn't want to talk to them then.
The week has been a quiet one at home every weeknight. My hubby has been working 14 hour days - most nights coming back at 9p or 10p. This transition/merge thing of his old and new business is really stressing him out. He calls and complains - I know he wants to just quit, but can't. I wish I could help. It's a long weekend, yet he's already told me he has to work all three days. Bummer. I told him last night - when things calm down and there is a day he can play hookie, I will call in sick and we'll just hang out somewhere. Maybe go to Napa for the day or something. I know we have a big vacation coming up at the end of March, but that's still a month away. When you're stressed, you're stressed. One month can seem a lifetime.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Grown-up bully
My hubby just called me. Fairly pissed off. For the past three weeks, he's been playing basketball Monday nights at a local gym. One of his older friends had invited him to join on their open play. The group consists of older men, but they all get along well, and it's a casual setting that my husband really enjoyed. In his busy schedule, Monday nights were something he really looked forward to.
So, he called me just now, at bit peeved. This guy talked to my hubby while he was changing in the locker room - told him that he shouldn't play there anymore. That the guy who invited my husband really didn't have the authority to invite someone into the group. That my hubby was too young and it wasn't fair to the elder players (who are around 50 or 60).
What the hell is this? Bullying on the playground? "You can't play with us?" I'm pissed off too, but I don't know what to say that's comforting at this point. I mean, come on! What are we? 10 year olds? The guy apparently runs the gym where these guys play. I don't think he put this team together or anything. It's not even a team - it's just a group of guys who play together once or twice a week. The bully wasn't even there the past month - and just saw my husband for the first time tonight. What is his deal? What a complete joke. And I'm feeling so bad that my hubby couldn't let off some steam from work.
He's home now, watching the Warriors on TV. He says he'll talk to the guy who actually invited him to play later. I don't know if he'll go back though. That really sucks.
Another sucky thing that happened today... my friend at work found out that she didn't get the job that she had interviewed for. I know she was really hoping to get that position - it would have been perfect for her. At this point, I think she'll probably take off with the rest of her sick and vacation time - and look for something else outside the company. I wish her luck - but I'm going to miss seeing her right there, you know? Most of my friends have left the company - but we try to get together at least every other month for a girls catch up night - which is important.
So, he called me just now, at bit peeved. This guy talked to my hubby while he was changing in the locker room - told him that he shouldn't play there anymore. That the guy who invited my husband really didn't have the authority to invite someone into the group. That my hubby was too young and it wasn't fair to the elder players (who are around 50 or 60).
What the hell is this? Bullying on the playground? "You can't play with us?" I'm pissed off too, but I don't know what to say that's comforting at this point. I mean, come on! What are we? 10 year olds? The guy apparently runs the gym where these guys play. I don't think he put this team together or anything. It's not even a team - it's just a group of guys who play together once or twice a week. The bully wasn't even there the past month - and just saw my husband for the first time tonight. What is his deal? What a complete joke. And I'm feeling so bad that my hubby couldn't let off some steam from work.
He's home now, watching the Warriors on TV. He says he'll talk to the guy who actually invited him to play later. I don't know if he'll go back though. That really sucks.
Another sucky thing that happened today... my friend at work found out that she didn't get the job that she had interviewed for. I know she was really hoping to get that position - it would have been perfect for her. At this point, I think she'll probably take off with the rest of her sick and vacation time - and look for something else outside the company. I wish her luck - but I'm going to miss seeing her right there, you know? Most of my friends have left the company - but we try to get together at least every other month for a girls catch up night - which is important.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
The grinch strikes again...
Back in December, I told you about a guy at my work who is the biggest grinch the entire year. The only time he becomes a decent human being is the day of our company's Christmas Eve party, where he dresses up like Santa Claus and delights all the visiting children.
Today, the grinch showed himself as a true ass again. Apparently, this guy likes to bake. He came around to our area with a big grocery bag of individually wrapped cookies and started handing them out. Our area is separated into two U shaped sections, so I saw him pass out the cookies in one section, then come around the side, and giving cookies along the way, finally making it into my section. There are exactly four people who sit in my part of the U. He gave a cookie to everyone but me, and then walked out. I knew he had left because I heard another colleague in the hallway say, "Oh thank you! Did you bake these yourself?"
OK, first of all - it's totally not about the cookie. I know me saying that I didn't want the cookie in the first place makes me sound like anyone who says they didn't want something, but deep down they really wanted it. Honestly, I don't care about the cookie. I just think it's amazingly rude to come around and offer a cookie to everyone, but one person. I have never done anything to this guy. I always say 'hi' when I pass him in the hall, even though he never says anything back to me - ever. I don't know why. I don't even work directly with him - but then again, neither do the other folks on my team. So, why be so blatently rude to me?
Like I said, it's not the cookie. It's the fact that he was being such a rude asshole. Him being kind to the kids one day out of the year doesn't excuse his behavior. I would never do that to someone. Even if i didn't like them - if I brought something to share, EVERYONE would get one. But that's just me.
So I come home to a voice message from the pet hospital. I've been trying to get Monte an appointment for his ultrasound. They called at noon today and left a message that I can bring Monte in tomorrow between 7 and 9am. Uh, hello? I can't just take off work like that. And my husband, who usually could, can't tomorrow. So, I had to call back and ask for another appointment. Actually, all I could do was call back and leave a message for the doctor to try to get another appointment. Frustrating. They have our home number and our work numbers. Why call someone's home number at noon? Why not call the WORK number? Wouldn't that make more sense on a weekday? Again, I guess that's just me.
Today, the grinch showed himself as a true ass again. Apparently, this guy likes to bake. He came around to our area with a big grocery bag of individually wrapped cookies and started handing them out. Our area is separated into two U shaped sections, so I saw him pass out the cookies in one section, then come around the side, and giving cookies along the way, finally making it into my section. There are exactly four people who sit in my part of the U. He gave a cookie to everyone but me, and then walked out. I knew he had left because I heard another colleague in the hallway say, "Oh thank you! Did you bake these yourself?"
OK, first of all - it's totally not about the cookie. I know me saying that I didn't want the cookie in the first place makes me sound like anyone who says they didn't want something, but deep down they really wanted it. Honestly, I don't care about the cookie. I just think it's amazingly rude to come around and offer a cookie to everyone, but one person. I have never done anything to this guy. I always say 'hi' when I pass him in the hall, even though he never says anything back to me - ever. I don't know why. I don't even work directly with him - but then again, neither do the other folks on my team. So, why be so blatently rude to me?
Like I said, it's not the cookie. It's the fact that he was being such a rude asshole. Him being kind to the kids one day out of the year doesn't excuse his behavior. I would never do that to someone. Even if i didn't like them - if I brought something to share, EVERYONE would get one. But that's just me.
So I come home to a voice message from the pet hospital. I've been trying to get Monte an appointment for his ultrasound. They called at noon today and left a message that I can bring Monte in tomorrow between 7 and 9am. Uh, hello? I can't just take off work like that. And my husband, who usually could, can't tomorrow. So, I had to call back and ask for another appointment. Actually, all I could do was call back and leave a message for the doctor to try to get another appointment. Frustrating. They have our home number and our work numbers. Why call someone's home number at noon? Why not call the WORK number? Wouldn't that make more sense on a weekday? Again, I guess that's just me.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Silence is golden...
There's nothing like a quiet exit - and that's exactly what happened with that co-worker of mine who is now gone! She will be on a plane come Saturday and will be out of San Francisco forever. Well, at least for now, she says that if her other job doesn't work out, she may move back here. I've never seen anyone state hop like that before.
Anyway, I heard that she was kind of pissed that a lot of people didn't go say goodbye to her yesterday, and I know that certain people refused to even sign her farewell card. What does that tell you? Pretty sad actually.
Two years and seven months ago, when she started her rotational positions as a supervisor, I actually walked her to her van pool that day. I helped her bring some bags and we even got teary when we hugged each other goodbye. She was my friend then. My mentor. But geez, when she came back two years later - it was seven months of pure hell. She was, and this is quoting from someone else, our version of a hurricane - only it wouldn't stop.
I imagine how things could have been if she had just calmed down a little, and appreciated more of how I ran things while she was away. I ran things the way I thought she would have. And it's just insulting how she tried to find fault in everything I did those two years.
Anyway, she's gone. Many people at work are relieved. I said nothing about my two days away from the office - I'm sure people knew why I was out. I sleep fine at night - so my actions were right for me.
On a different note - I'm still trying to plan out the London part of our trip. We're actually going to London for one night, then head off to Paris for several days, and then go back to London for two days. I booked a room for us for the one night - but I wanted to find something nicer for the two days we return. Well, we'll probably end up back at the same hotel. Why? Because everything is sooooo freaking expensive there!!! I can't find anything that's less than $120 a night. Geez! I guess it doesn't matter - we definitely won't be in the room for much more than sleeping. Lots to see, and very little time! I can't believe it's less than two months away!!!
Anyway, I heard that she was kind of pissed that a lot of people didn't go say goodbye to her yesterday, and I know that certain people refused to even sign her farewell card. What does that tell you? Pretty sad actually.
Two years and seven months ago, when she started her rotational positions as a supervisor, I actually walked her to her van pool that day. I helped her bring some bags and we even got teary when we hugged each other goodbye. She was my friend then. My mentor. But geez, when she came back two years later - it was seven months of pure hell. She was, and this is quoting from someone else, our version of a hurricane - only it wouldn't stop.
I imagine how things could have been if she had just calmed down a little, and appreciated more of how I ran things while she was away. I ran things the way I thought she would have. And it's just insulting how she tried to find fault in everything I did those two years.
Anyway, she's gone. Many people at work are relieved. I said nothing about my two days away from the office - I'm sure people knew why I was out. I sleep fine at night - so my actions were right for me.
On a different note - I'm still trying to plan out the London part of our trip. We're actually going to London for one night, then head off to Paris for several days, and then go back to London for two days. I booked a room for us for the one night - but I wanted to find something nicer for the two days we return. Well, we'll probably end up back at the same hotel. Why? Because everything is sooooo freaking expensive there!!! I can't find anything that's less than $120 a night. Geez! I guess it doesn't matter - we definitely won't be in the room for much more than sleeping. Lots to see, and very little time! I can't believe it's less than two months away!!!
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