It's a Playstation 2 game based on Taiko drumming! Ha! I must have it, but I promised myself not to buy anything frivolus until after the Europe trip. But it's so cute - and I know I would kick ass on it. I still look at my old beat up bachi (drum sticks) and think back to five years ago when I was taking lessons once a week in South San Francisco. I love Taiko. I love the way your heart just trembles when the bachi connects with the huge Odaiko drum. The rumbling that just surges through you like a never ending thunder storm. It's an incredible feeling.

My hubby came home around 8p tonight - so we were able to have dinner together. We usually don't eat this late, but lately, I'm lucky if he's able to get home to eat at all. He has another full day tomorrow, but at least tonight, we were able to snuggle up and catch up on some of our favorite TV shows.
We finally saw the second half of Grey's Anatomy. The first part aired right after the Superbowl (yes, we're a few weeks behind). It was an excellent epidode. Very intense - I'm still thinking about the storyline. I love this show. I especially love Patrick Dempsey. He's so hot. I never liked him when he was younger, but since I saw him in Scream 3 and Sweet Home Alabama, I've been hooked. That smile, his eyes, that hair. LOVE HIM!!! (Hey, I may be married, but I'm not blind).

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