He's a 15 pound chihuahua. He's not fat - he's all muscle. Here he is (on the far left) with Tiny (yes, Tiny and Bubbles) and a cute stuffed little fella. I love this picture. Bubbles is doing his "I'm so cute" with the big black eyes pose.

Tiny and Bubbles live with my parents, along with two cats, Toby and Chelsea. Tiny came from a neighbor who learned that they weren't allowed to have pets in their building - so my mom took her in. Her original owner still comes to visit every once in a while. The two cats were kittens of one of the stray cats my mom feeds in the backyard. There were three, but Cocoa has been adopted by a family friend.
So, yes, my parents pretty much have a mini zoo in their home. Bubbles turns 15 this July. So I'm worried. Poor little guy has lost his appetite, and refuses to take his medication. We don't know what to do!!! He has another vet appointment on Wednesday, but he needs his medication. We're going over there tonight to try to help get him to take his syrup.
I love all the animals dearly, but I can't imagine losing any of them. I know my mom is going to be miserable. I know they don't live that long - but they are so much part of the family. I don't know how we're going to handle it when any of them 'leave' us. Monte and Bubbles are the same age. Tiny is only 2 years younger than them. The cats just turned 4 this month, so they're ok.
I just hope we get Bubbles to take his medicine tonight.
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