I'd like to give a warm welcome to two new little faces in the world, Kayden and Conner.They're twin boys, born last Thursday to our friends G and I. Happy Birthday boys!
Spent a wonderful evening celebrating a friend's birthday last night. We went to EOS. While the food was very good, I wasn't crazy about the small portioned, family style theme they go for. This we found out after everyone had picked an 'entree' already and the waiter told us while we were ordering. So, we had to regroup and figure out how to order.
I don't like the 'family style' fusion places because you really don't get much per plate, and somebody always gets left out of at least one dish. We had six people, yet the dumpling dish had only five dumplings in it. I don't like cutting a small piece of fish into six tiny little bite fulls. And if you have a choice, sit downstairs - it was so hot in the loft area. I know, too many complaints - but the food is very good. I do want to go back - and I'll be more prepared next time. Today is chore day, and clean up day. Have to prepare for guests in two weeks. I don't want to have a marathon cleanup day then, so I'm doing a little at a time to get our guest room/store room ready.
Backtracking a little, I finally downloaded some awesome sunset pictures we took during our weekend in Tahoe. Aren't they gorgeous? The most amazing thing is how the colors go from a radiant orange, to pink, purple, and then a fiery red.

My dad called me at work today. The vet called - Bubbles' ashes can be picked up. My dad asked if I wanted to go, and I told him to not wait for me and just go. I know it's sad, but we didn't need everyone to go do that. I would have to take off from work again - which I did many times already to see Bubbles during those final days.So, Bubbles is home. He's tucked away in a small wooden box. It's very sad. No plans to do anything with his ashes right now, and I don't want to bring up tentative plans that we had from before. I still can't believe he's gone. What didn't help was that we have also been doing movie nights, and one of the movies was Failure to Launch. Good movie with Matthew McConaughey and Sarah Jessica Parker. Unforuntately, there was one scene where Sarah Jessica pretends to put her dog to sleep. That just triggered me again. (Horrible timing).The other movie was saw was Elektra. It was actually OK. Better than Daredevil, that's for sure. And Elektra was not as useless as in the other movie. Another guilty pleasure that I've been catching up on is the marathon episodes of My Fair Brady: We're Getting Married. I can't help it. I like cheesy TV shows.
A classmate from my elementary school days is trying to set up a 20 year reunion. While I have no intention of going, it did bring back memories of my best friend at the time. Though we lost touch during high school, I have always thought about her every once in a while. In fact, one time at the bus stop, I ask this girl, who I thought looked like my friend, if it was her. Unfortunately, it wasn't.So, I took a chance and thought, we're the same age, maybe by some luck she's just getting married now and registered online somewhere. My first attempt at searching on weddingchannel.com and I found her!!! Unbelievable. I emailed her - and the very next day, she wrote back. It was her! All this happened two weeks ago - during the difficult time we were going through with Bubbles. Though we exchanged phone numbers, I really couldn't talk to anyone at the time, so I told her I would have to call later and explained why via email. Anyway, I called her tonight and we had a wonderful reunion on the phone. It was just like old times - except we're not 13 anymore. Caught up as much as we could for now.Want to hear something weird? She said she posted her registry just the night before I emailed her. Not only that, her mom was looking through old pictures that same night and found one of the two of us. Another coincidence is that we were in Paris at the same time this year! It was meant to be that we would reconnect. And get this, her aunt-in-law, works at my company and I've known her for almost 9 years! What a small world? And another friend of mine from work, actually tried setting up his friend with her a few years ago.Both our schedules are pretty packed during the weekends right now, but we're going to try to meet up mid-August. Can't wait to see her.
A much needed weekend getaway - time to just relax and do NOTHING. Ahhh...
Time for our annual weekend trip to Lake Tahoe with my hubby's parents. With my new work schedule, we timed it so that I had last Friday off, and my husband was able to take the day off too.
We arrive in Tahoe in the afternoon - and it was a bit overcast, but warm nonetheless. I hopped into the pool so fast, it was a definite record for me. I'm one who needs to sit by the pool for 20 minutes, at least, while my feet adjust to the temperature first. It's quite frustrating to my husband who keeps telling me, the water will feel warm once I get in for a minute. Yeah, yeah, yeah - I do it my own way.
Anyway, within 10 seconds I was in that warm blue water. An hour and a half later it started to rain, so I got out. We were treated to the most spectacular lightening storm I've ever experienced. Long streams of electricity burst from the dark clouds and actually touched ground for a few seconds before disappearing. The thunder roared a few seconds later.
Back in the dryness of our condo, we watched the rain come down in buckets, lightening bursts every few minutes, and the rumble of the skies. Fabulous. Luckily, our power never went out - even though it did threaten and flicker a few times.The next day, I can only describe it with one word. HOT! It was so hot. Of course, I didn't know that a heat wave had spread through California - so techincally the 80 degrees I was in was not that hot. But there was not a speck of breeze in the air. I was in and out of the pool all day - I couldn't even really sit down and read my magazine, because as soon as I lay down, I was burning up again and had to go back into the pool. What a rough life, huh?The rest of the afternoon, I spent catching up on my knitting. I am making another little surprised for another friend. We had a wonderful dinner at a local casino restaurant. The food itself was ok, but the AC was fastastic. Ah... The rest of the night, we suffered in our hot bedroom - our little fan working overtime to cool us down. We couldn't open the windows, because mosquitoes were coming in. Our last day, Sunday, we got up early and went to the pool again. One of my mother-in-law's friends has a boat, and they were nice enough to take us out on the lake. My hubby did some tubing. I decided to stay dry - the lake water is just a tad too cold for me. After a couple of hours lounging by the pool again, it was time to pack up and get ready to go. We were supposed to have lunch with my brother-in-law and his family, but they came late. By the time they arrived, we just scarfed down lunch on our own and headed back to the city.The heat was insane!!! When we drove through Sacramento, it was 117 degrees!!! Are you kidding me? The hottest I've ever been in was 105 in Vegas one summer. We stopped in Fairfield to get gas. It was 114. We were happy to get back to our cool condo back in SF. Monte was very happy to see us. In fact, he actually ran to us when we called him from down the hall. Nothing like a nice warm, furry, purring welcome.
No call from the vet today - so no ashes yet. Bubbles is still hanging on strong at the house though. Mom says she smelled him for a long time today. The scent actually followed her around as she went from upstairs to downstairs - and then disappeared like that (fingers snapping).
Dad is still depressed, but he seemed to feel a little better when I told him that perhaps Bubbles is coming around so often to let mom be the messenger for him - to let dad know that he is there. Perhaps this scent sensitivity is inherited. My grandmother, mom, and I are the only three to ever have smelled my grandfather's cologne. And only my mom and I have smelled Bubbles. Mom actually smelled grandpa again today too.
As a good friend of mine described it, it's like someone captured that specific scent and is holding it right at your nose. You can't escape it by walking away - it stays right at your nose. My friend lost her husband to cancer a while ago, but she smells his cologne from time to time. As she like to believe, maybe they come back when they sense you need them? I'd like to think so.
We're going over to see my parents' house tomorrow for dinner - I wonder if Bubbles will come to me?
I know, this sounds more like a ghost log now, but it's a very interesting phenomenon. I don't know how I'd take it if I ever saw a ghost. I'd probably freak. So, no, I would prefer never seeing one. But smelling them - it's not so invading, and somewhat comforting. As I told my husband, when I smelled Bubbles that night after we said goodbye to him, it was as if he gave me a big hug. It was that comforting.
It's day four since our little Bubbles left us, and while I'm able to get through more hours now without breaking down when I think about him, there are still those moments when the sadness overwhelms me, and I find myself just gently stroking his cute face in my pictures of him.
I find looking at the older pictures don't get me as sad. Bubbles used to love digging in his bed. Eventually he would form his blanket into a little cocoon around him - like a big doggie won ton. This picture - my dad caught him in the starting stages of the digging. He's so cute here. This was when he was about two years old.

I miss him so much. When the moments of sadness come, it feels like my chest just tightens up and the tears just start flowing.
Tomorrow, my parents will probably get the call from the vet that Bubbles' ashes can be picked up.
I actually smelled him again yesterday around 11am. And my mom smelled him the night before at around 1am again. It's comforting to know he visits me and that he is home. My dad is still devestated. He hasn't been able to smell Bubbles, but maybe he won't ever. I told him, I know Bubbles is home - and he should talk to him in his own way. Just because he can't see or smell him doesn't mean he's not there.
My mom told me that even when Bubbles was having a difficult time walking, in the late afternoon when my dad would usually come home from running errands, he could be found waiting at the foot of the stairs, just as he always did, for my dad. There is no doubt that Bubbles had great love for my dad - I just want my dad to remember that and not dwell on the sickness.
There were moments at work today that I was able to talk about Bubbles with fondness, and there were those moments where the mention of him made me choke up. People were understanding - many know the feeling of losing a pet. They're not just dogs or cats (or any other type of animal). They become a part of the family. Bubbles was with us for 15 years. He was family. He had his own personality, his habits, his likes and dislikes, feelings... he was a part of us.
Another difficult day with crying fits - but you know what? It got a little better just now. I just got off the phone with my mom. And you know how I said that I smelled Bubbles last night at 12:55am? Well, she says that she smelled him a little after 1am.
She said she was in the living room watching TV, when suddenly she smelled something. She described it as this sickly dog smell that he was emitting the last few days. She had already put away his towels and puppy pads, so it couldn't have been that. Besides, she was already sitting in the room for a while - this was a sudden new element to the room. It lasted a few minutes and then disappeared just as suddenly.
This confirms that neither of us is crazy. We both smelled him. He came to visit me first, and then he went home to my parents.
It may seem like we're reaching to find comfort in his death, but it's not that at all. How can two people, miles apart from each other, both experience the same phenomenon within the same time frame?
Bubbles went home.
It's been a long and difficult day. Amazingly, with all the bawling attacks I've had today, I'm not dehydrated yet. All day long, I've been in a funk - for obvious reasons. It's been the longest day of my life. I did the laundry. I surfed the web. I went through boxes of pictures of Bubbles and spent hours scanning them onto the computer so that I could do a private slideshow for myself whenever I wanted. Anyway - tonight at 12:55am exactly, I was in my bedroom getting ready for bed. Austin Powers was quietly playing in the background on TV, when suddenly I smelled something. It was very strong. At first I didn't know what it was - and then it hit me like a cannon ball. It was the kind of weird dog smell that Bubbles had. I can't describe it, but that's exactly what it was. I called my husband to the bedroom immediately - and even while I was trying to explain it to him, I was smelling it quite clearly - but he didn't smell anything at all. And then in an instant, it was gone. I looked around the room - nothing I wore today while I was holding Bubbles was in sight or nearby. Plus I had moved from the bed to the door, and then back to the bed - all the while smelling that strong dog smell.I'm not crazy. This has happened in our family before - with my grandfather. There's something about 49 days when a spirit comes home - in Chinese folklore. When my grandmother was still living at the house she and grandpa shared, exactly 49 days after he passed away, he smelled him in the bedroom. It was so strong she had to leave the room. She said it was strongest by the bookcase where I had put a Father's Day card that I didn't have a chance to give him before he died. She went back to the room a few minutes later, and the smell was gone.Throughout the years, both my mom and I have smelled 'grandpa' every so often. Her more often then me, but I have definitely smelled him.A few weeks before I got married, I was trying to sleep, but this odor was just bugging me. When I realized what it was I was smelling, I was afraid to open my eyes - because I was afraid I would see my grandfather standing there. I'm not crazy - but my grandfather had a very distinctive smell. He had an old hat that he would wear all the time, and any time we went to a department store, he would spray some cologne onto the hat - so it accumulated a very unique smell. I have his old hat, in a box, in the closet. It has not had any fragrance to it in years, but that night I smelled that sweet cologne smell as strong as if someone had sprayed it onto my pillow.So, tonight, I was sitting on the bed. I had glanced at the newly printed picture of me and Bubbles sitting on my bedstand, when suddenly I smelled him. Maybe the 49 day thing is with humans only? Who knows, but I smelled him. It's like, you don't know what it is, but suddenly it hits you and you know exactly what that familiar smell is. You know in your bones.I looked it up on the web just now, and apparently, 'smelling' a ghost is not an uncommen phenomenon. So, either Bubbles came back to check on me - or he was saying goodbye. Either way, I just started bawling again. I told Bubbles not to worry about us - we're just heartbroken because we miss him so much. I told him we love him and that we'll see each other again one day. I told him to go play and run. He was my good Bubbles.It's interesting that my husband didn't smell anything while he was sitting next to me - and I was smelling it full on. And in a flash, it was gone. I don't smell anything anymore. In a way, it calms me a little to know he came by to see me. I know he's OK.
Today is a very sad day for our family. We had to say goodbye to our beloved Bubbles. My husband and I went to my parents’ house around 9:30a to pick them up and bring Bubbles to the vet for the very last time.
Bubbles was very peaceful and for the first time in a while, he was breathing normally - not out of his mouth. Mom said he was getting more sensitive on the areas where his tumors were starting to show. He must have been in pain. Wrapped in a towel, my dad carried him to the car. For one more car ride, Bubbles enjoyed looking out the window at the passing cars. He used to love car rides.
When we got to the vet, I took Bubbles from my dad's arms and just broke down, right there on the sidewalk. He felt so light and just limp. I believe that he was ready.
We were only at the vet for about 30 minutes, but it was the most miserable time of our lives. I held Bubbles in my arms until the doctor came in. I put Bubbles on the table and the doctor did one last quick exam. He said the lymph nodes were swollen and there was cancer even in his mouth now - which is why he couldn't eat solids anymore. We all agreed it was the right time to let Bubbles sleep.
At this point, the doctor left the room to give us time to say our goodbyes to our baby boy. Many kisses on his little head, lots of 'I love yous', and of course, many tears. Then the doctor came back and took him. We didn't want to see it happen. The doctor had Bubbles in his arm at the doorway, and when he turned to face us to tell us something (I don't even remember what he said), our last image of Bubbles is of him looking at us, eyes looking from person to person in the room. And then he was taken out of the room. That is the last time we will ever see our little baby.
We stayed in the office for a few minutes after that. I was just bawling - and perhaps everyone in the hospital heard, but I didn't care. We knew that in the next few minutes, our Bubbles would not be in pain anymore. He would fall into a deep sleep. I picture in my head that he will wake up, suddenly full of energy. No more pain. He would be running around everywhere as he loved to do in life. He would be surrounded by his favorite toys and foods - and he would never be sick again. He would come check on our family every once in a while - making his rounds, as I like to call it. I know we'll be reunited again some day. I know my grandfather is taking care of him for us until we each get there. These thoughts comfort me.
We drove back to my parents place and already there was a huge void. The puppy pads were still laid out on the kitchen tile, his big basket of toys were under the side table, and his bed and blanket - empty. I realized that never again would I see him running to me with a giant stuffed soccer ball in his mouth anymore. I would never have him snuggle on me anymore. I will never hear him howl every time a firetruck siren blared down the street. Nothing anymore.
It's been a couple of hours now, and it's still hard to believe that I'm never going to see Bubbles again. He's really gone. My Bubbles is really gone.
This is one of my very last pictures of him, from yesterday. Rest in peace my Bubble Baby. I miss you so much. I will always love you. Always.
July 7, 1991 - July 15, 2006
I called my mom today at lunch to see how Bubbles was doing. The news was not good. He cannot get up at all anymore. She said that this morning, she heard him whimpering, and she found him struggling to get to his newspaper. He just couldn't get up on his own. He's also had other difficult problems with other things, so he requires constant care. As painful at it was to hear myself say the words, I told her that he shouldn't suffer like this anymore. He doesn't seem to be in pain, but I know he must be uncomfortable. When he lays down, if he sleeps on his side, he cannot get back to an upright position on his own. My parents have to carry him to his water dish - stubborn dog will not drink from it when they bring it to him. He's like a stubborn old man who wants something, but doesn't want you bringing it to him. He wants to get it on his own, even if you have to help him get to it.Anyway, lunch was the last thing on my mind at that point. My husband picked me up from work and we headed over to my parents house. Bubbles can no longer get in and out of his beloved bed - instead, they have him on a makeshift bed near the kitchen. The bed is covered with one of those puppy pads - so is a large portion of the kitchen floor - so that if he needs to go, it's all prepared for him. He was so happy to see us. His tail wagged a little and he just seemed to come alive. I went over to him and kneeled over him. He snuggled with me as he always does and licked me. My sweet little Bubbles. He was breathing very fast - and his tongue was very red. A red tongue, per the vet, means that he wasn't getting enough oxygen. After a long discussion with my parents, it was decided that it was time. The final goodbye. We called the vet - and were surprised that we couldn't bring him in today, but were told to bring him in in the morning - and he would see if he could make Bubbles more comfortable. Euthenasia was the last resort, he said. But that wasn't the point of us calling. As a family, we decided that this just isn't what Bubbles' final days should be like. We know he is suffering inside, even though he doesn't look it from the outside. He's still a beautiful dog. With the cancer spread throughout his body, we've accepted that he isn't going to get any better - he will only get worse, and the pain will come soon. We don't want that for him.So, here I am at almost 1am, thinking tomorrow may be the last time I see my dog - but then again it may not be. If the vet convinces my parents that Bubbles can last a little longer, then I know that's what they would want to do. It's hard enough to prepare yourself to let go - but when you're given an out to delay the decision longer - I have a feeling my parents would want to take it. And I don't blame them. At this point, I don't know how to prepare myself for tomorrow. The right decision for Bubbles' sake is to let him go. End the suffering before he has to go through any pain that the cancer would cause him.I sit here and look at his picture. It's unbelievable that 15 years has passed already with him in our family. It's not right that soon there won't be a fat Chihuahua greeting me when I go visit my parents. He won't be running up to me carrying a toy that is way too big for him. He won't be there to snuggle up on my legs and lick my face when I ask him for a kiss. It's just wrong that dogs and cats have such short lives. You love them so much and they're just taken away from you too soon. I don't want to go to sleep. I don't want to wake up and know it's time to get ready to go over to my parents house and bring Bubbles to the vet. I don't want to say goodbye. If I don't go to sleep, then that time will come much slower.
Our time with Bubbles is quickly coming to an end, and my heart is just so heavy right now, I don't know what to do with myself tonight.
My parents brought Bubbles to the vet today - the regular doctor wasn't there, so another doctor performed some blood work and did two x-rays. My parents say she was very thorough - which was good, but she didn't bring good news.
Bubbles has cancer running almost throughout his little body. From his throat, through this spine, in and around his liver. He also has two tumors pushing into his leg muscles - which is what was causing his hind legs to not function well anymore. The diagnosis is final - he is dying. We maybe have a few weeks, but at the rate this cancer spread, I doubt he'll make it through this week.
The doctor didn't feel it was time to let him go yet - because his white cell count was still high, and he still has an appetite, and is basically still pretty alert. She said that if he stops eating, that means the tumor has grown to a point where it's uncomfortable for him to eat anymore - and that would be the time to bring him in. Also, if his stool becomes dark - that would mean internal bleeding - and it would also mean it's time.
I'm praying hard that he will just sleep on his own. He's not in any pain now, and when I saw him on Sunday, he just looked like he was just waiting... he looked so tired. I want my last memories of him in my head to be those of seeing him snuggle with me the way he loves to. He buries his head into me and then looks up at me - tongue lapping to indicate that he wants a kiss. That is my Bubbles. That will always be my Bubbles.

My head knows the time is near, but my heart is not ready for it. I love him so much. I want to go see him right now, but I just can't. My parents are heartbroken - and I know it just kills them to see him like this every day. My mom hasn't slept in a month. Waking up every 2 hours to check on him. I think for them, even though they don't want him to suffer, they'd rather sacrifice their own health for his - but he'd still be there, you know?
All the happy memories I've had with him keep playing in my head. That is what will keep him alive in me. In my memories, he's a young, vibrant little dog - one I could easily get into a frenzy and make him run at full speed through the house. One who would sit and watch me intently if he even suspected I was eating something - because he wanted some too. It didn't matter what it was. Something that he always enjoyed and that of all our animals I only allowed him to do - I would get down on all fours, and he would jump on my back and lay down - then I would crawl all over the house with him on my back. He loved it - and that was a private game I reserved only for him. Another thing he used to do when I lived at home, every night, he would make his rounds - check on my parents in their room, and then come check on me to make sure everything was alright. He was a hot headed, spoiled brat too, but he loved us.
This is my last picture of him from Sunday. He couldn't get up anymore, so he just lay with me on the floor. Every once in a while he would look up at me.

So, a prayer for my Bubbles, please just rest and sleep. We all love you, and we know you love us. You don't have to worry about us or feel you have to protect us anymore. Just be at peace. Sleep in peace my Bubble baby.
Sitting here are work. Can't think of anything but Bubbles. Wondering how he's doing. Wondering if my parents were able to get a hold of the vet. Wondering how long Bubbles will stay with us. Hoping that he is not in pain. Hoping that when I said goodbye to him last night that it wasn't the final goodbye - but then knowing it would be best if it was. It's so hard.Reading this article about a cloned Donkey winning some contest somewhere and thinking - HEY, if we cloned Bubbles then we'd never really be losing him. Then realizing that that is a crazy thought - and of course, cloned or not, Bubbles can never be replaced. Bubbles is Bubbles. There will never be another Bubbles.Sigh... wishing I could go home and cry.Rambling - that's what happens on 3 hours of sleep. Yeah, my nose was soooo stuffed up from crying so much last night that I couldn't breathe until after 3am. I think, breathing or not, exhaustion just took over. Next thing you know, the stupid alarm is blaring at 6:30a.UPDATE: Bubbles has a vet appointment at noon tomorrow - Keeping my fingers crossed, and saying my prayers.
I know I've been good news/bad news about Bubbles lately - but I do appreciate everyone's support. We went to see Bubbles tonight after dinner - the poor guy cannot walk. He was sleeping when we got upstairs, and it took a while for him to wake up and realize we were there. When he did, he didn't move from his sleep pose, but he did wag his tail.
My dad had to pick him up and put him on his paper so he could ... (you know). After that, Bubbles took one step and fell on his stomach. He couldn't get back up. My dad had to carry him back to the living room, and there Bubbles stayed in the same spot the entire time we were there. Oh, it is just heartbreaking. He managed to lean into me and snuggled with me for a few minutes before plopping down and laid there next to me the whole time.
He look so tired. And after going over an hour with my parents on how they need to call the vet tomorrow, and not wait until Bubbles' appointment on Friday - I just looked at the little guy and saw how exhausted he was. He was fighting to stay awake because we were there. So we had to leave. My husband told me to say goodbye - but I know he meant more than just leaving for the night. I kissed Bubbles and pet him for a little while longer. I told him I loved him. In my heart, I told him that it's ok for him to let go. He's been a wonderful member of our family - and we all love him very much. It's ok for him to rest and sleep now.
I'm at peace that his time is near, and I wish he would sleep and not wake up. But I will miss him so much. Who knows? Maybe it will be a miracle and the doctor will know exactly what is wrong with Bubbles' legs. Maybe it's a temporary side effect from the thyroid medication. Or maybe, it's just time to let go. Whatever may happen, I'm praying for my little Bubbles - and again, I ask you to keep him in your prayers too. I just wish him to be at peace, no pain - and to know how much we love him.Once again it's past 1am, and it's Monday morning. Only 5 hours of sleep before it's time for another long day at work. But I can't sleep. I'm thinking of Bubbles. Wish I had more time with him. Wishing I played with him more the last 10 years when I have moved out of my parents' place. So many coulda, shoulda, wouldas. Who can sleep?
I just realized that I haven't really mentioned Monte in a while. He's doing fine. Frisky as ever. He's been very mushy lately - following us around like glue. We've knick-named him Elmer, as in Elmer's glue.
One of Monte's favorite spots is on my husband's stomach when when he's laying down on the sofa. This morning, he meowed and meowed until my hubby figured out that Monte wanted him to get on the couch. Didn't even give my husband a chance to lie down before he hopped on and forced his way onto his stomach. Then the loud purring started. Spoiled cat! But what can you do when he looks so cute and all you hear is puuuurrrrrrrrr...
Other days, he doesn't want to be bothered. His other favorite spot of the month is this cat pad.

He has a love/hate relationship with this thing, but for the past month, he's been on it every day, every minute. He lays there when I'm on the computer - I know he's watching me.
Ah Monte, we love him and all his moods.
Yesterday, I did laundry... gee, where could Monte be?

Check her out! I've been working on this little miss for the past two weeks. It didn't really take me that long, but I spread out the work in between episodes of Battlestar Galactica and our movie marathons.
She was fairly easy to make. I got the pattern from Jean Greenhowe's Knitted Animals. The gray yarn I used, unfortunately, was a bit darker than it should have been - but I was impatient. Her blue eyes don't show up too well as a result. I'll figure something out. I love the white and purple of the skirt. You can't see them in the picture, but she has a little petitcoat on under the skirt. Actually, they're supposed to be white 'pants', but I tighten them up more at the edge when I sewed on the feet - so they look like a petitcoat. Is that what you call them? Those knicker bocker type things women wore under their skirts way back when...
Yea! My first stuffed animal. Ellie (named such for obvious reasons) is on her way to one of my friends from work who went with the department move to Sacramento. She loves elephants. It's going to be a surprise package. I think she'll love her.
In other news, the summer of movies continues with The Family Stone. I love Sarah Jessica Parker and Rachel McAdams. This was a funny, though sometimes painfully frustrating movie. Sarah Jessica's character, Meredith is trying to be accepted into her boyfriend's family. Of course, nothing goes right. She says all the wrong things. They don't really give her a chance anyway. Yada, yada, yada... But over all, it's a good movie. There were some teary moments. Meet the Fockers. What can I say? Definitely a frustrating movie where NOTHING goes right - and a future father-in-law/ex-CIA agenty who tries to find any little fault to justify Ben Stiller is not right for his daughter. All the actors are brilliant - and have never disappointed me (in terms of performance) - but this movie was just predictable and frustrating. I have to say, I laughed more with the first movie - Meet the Parents.
Our little Bubbles is 15 years old today. Oh happy day! We were afraid he wasn't going to make it a few weeks ago - but he's going strong. According to a chart from the vet, in human years, Bubbles is 76 today. I guess the whole 7 years per human wouldn't really work - that means he'd be 105.Happy Birthday my little Bubbles! We're going to go see him this weekend. It's definitely an occasion to celebrate!
Hope everyone got to see some fireworks this evening! My hubby and I just walked out to the Embarcadero and watched the fireworks over in Oakland. They were far - but still nice. Someone threw a cherry bomb nearby and freaked the crap out of everyone. It was LOUD. What an ass...
Anyway, been working on several projects today.
1. Had some problems with our internet service, and just realized last night that the company deleted my host site of images. Meaning, it wiped out all my background and such for my blog. So, I spend a few hours today trying to put everything back up. I still have to tweak it a bit, but it's pretty much back to how it used to look.
2. Took pictures of several items that I'm going to post on Ebay soon. Currently, everything is in a big shopping bag. I've just been too lazy to post them.
3. Trying to finish up a little present for a friend - can't post any pictures yet. It's been a learning experience, and I'm proud of myself for being about 80% done with it.
4. It's been a while, but I finished the back panel of the hoodie sweater I started a year ago.
It's rather tedious - there's 96 stitches per row - and I lost count how many rows this thing is. I've put it aside for now. So, the back is done - gotta do the front panel, sleeves, pocket, and the hood. WHEW!Good news about Bubbles, only 3 more days until his 15th birthday - and we really don't think there's any question that he'll be celebrating fully with us this year. He still needs to be hand fed, but he's eating both the tube food and solids. His energy is slowly coming back - he's playing with his toys again. No running though. His hind legs aren't working fully well - but he's still getting around on his own. We probably won't see him until the weekend, but I can't wait.
Other good news, it's been one year since my husband and I moved into our condo. Still have some boxes stacked in the study, but I don't plan on buying the bookcases we need for those until we're in our house some day. So, happy 1 year anniversary to us as first time home owners! Yea!
We've managed to get through two full seasons of the new Battlestar Galactica. LOVE IT! We tried to watch at least one episode every night - and now the last of the second season has been viewed - and we're at a loss. No more Gaius or Starbuck for a few months. But then again, I much prefer being able to sit down and go through an entire season in one shot - so I probably won't add this to my 'must record' list. We'll just rent the season like we did this time.
Next on my list is the series The 4400. I think it's about alien abduction? No idea - but they say it's good, so I'm willing to give it a try. I was very skeptical about Battlestar, and now I 'fracking' love it!
What else have we watched? Blade Trinity (sucks!), The Day After Tomorrow (good effects, ok story - not as bad as I thought it would be), The Skeleton Key (I guessed the ending right as it was happening. Interesting concept, but overall, it's not that good of a movie), Nanny McPhee (it has Colin Firth in it - enough said), and finally, Three Extremes (disturbing trio of horror stories from 3 different Asian directors. Only one of the stories was good).
Still have a stack of movies to go through - so the summer of movies continues...
I need to get out there and watch Superman Returns. Superman is my favorite superhero of all time. As I've mentioned in blogs past, Christopher Reeve's Superman was supposed to be my first husband. Yes, even at the age of 6, I already found my man. I know I'm going to be so critical of this new movie, but I think I will still enjoy it.I should have taken a vacation today. It's completely dead at work. Why am I here???