One of Monte's favorite spots is on my husband's stomach when when he's laying down on the sofa. This morning, he meowed and meowed until my hubby figured out that Monte wanted him to get on the couch. Didn't even give my husband a chance to lie down before he hopped on and forced his way onto his stomach. Then the loud purring started. Spoiled cat! But what can you do when he looks so cute and all you hear is puuuurrrrrrrrr...
Other days, he doesn't want to be bothered. His other favorite spot of the month is this cat pad.

He has a love/hate relationship with this thing, but for the past month, he's been on it every day, every minute. He lays there when I'm on the computer - I know he's watching me.
Ah Monte, we love him and all his moods.
Yesterday, I did laundry... gee, where could Monte be?

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