(This is when I was trying to wrap up a baby gift for my friend before the trip)

Oh, and here is the completed pair of Ugg boots for my roomie.

We took an extended trip to LA, #1 to attend a college friend's wedding. #2, visit all my buddies who live in So Cal. We drove down last Friday - had dinner with one friend (who used to live in SF) and chatted the night away with her and her husband. They made yellow chicken curry - YUM. She also made this baked squash with sage and olive oil that was so good! I'm going to have to try it. Saturday (all day) was dedicated to wedding festivities. Met up with several friends from college. It was basically a reunion, but one friend had the flu and didn't make it. It was a beautiful wedding. G looked so beautiful in her gown. And check this out - this was the cake topper. I love it! Looks just like them.

Sunday, had lunch at The Ivy (whoo hoo) with a good friend from high school. Nice restaurant, but it was definitely pretentious. My hubby observed, as we were leaving, a guy who couldn't be more than 20 years old, got out of a really REALLY nice Jag, dressed in the bummiest clothes possible. You know his family was RICH, but dang, he looked like crap. Cigarette hanging out of his mouth, hair all mussed up. Looked like he just rolled out of bed - and now he's have lunch at The Ivy. Whatever.
What I witnessed was one woman who couldn't maneuver her baby stroller around a corner to where her girlfriends were sitting. A waiter offered to help, and she just walked away and let him take care of it without so much as a 'thank you'. DANG! I guess the nanny was busy that day? I know that sounds mean, but it just wasn't right what she did. And she was so frustrated with the stroller. She just didn't know what to do. All it was was a turn around a corner.
Anyway, the food was good. Overpriced, but good. I had the most perfect Fish & Chips. Didn't see any celebrities though. Oh well. I probably would have had better luck on a weekday. It's a really nice area too with lots of cute little boutiques.
After lunch and strolling through the boutiques, we hung out with my friend at her condo for hours, just chatting away. Before you knew it, it was dinner time - so we headed to Century City mall (name?) and ate dinner there. After that, we said our goodbyes and drove to Port Hueneme to visit with my roommate from college.
I love my roommate. She's about 6 months pregnant now. I've always told her I just couldn't believe she was pregnant until I saw her. Well, I saw her - and I still can't believe it! My roomie! Anyway, she's got the mother-to-be happiness glow. No more morning sickness, she's loving food again. She's enjoying pregnancy now. I wish I were closer so I could see the baby when he's born. Yes, they're having a boy! Gavin. We stayed with there until Tuesday. It was fun.
She and her hubby had to work Monday, but she took a half day and went with us to the Camarillo outlets. Then for dinner, we all drove to Calabasas and at King's Fish House. I love their mac & cheese!!! I admit, I first saw this place on Newlyweds and have been dying to try it ever since. I love seafood. I love mac & cheese. This was a must try place. And I was not disappointed. I think next drive to LA, we'll have to eat there again.
We said our sad goodbyes and drove back home on Tuesday. We only had three days of work, but man, it still felt like a full week of work. I'm so bad! Still on vacation mode.
Tomorrow is my hubby's birthday. I don't have anything planned, because his parents wanted us to go out there for dinner, so we'll probably head out early. I like the Michaels stores out there better (they're much bigger) so we'll do a pitstop. I have lots of projects planned for this year already. Two more pairs of baby ugg boots, a stuffed monkey, doggie sweater, a cap, and one more apron. WHEW!
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