Last week, mom called me and said that Cocoa was not feeling well. The children of the friend had called for help because they had never had pets before and wasn't sure what to do. Within the three days of the news, Cocoa had a stroke and passed away in her sleep at the pet hospital. It's a great shock and so sad. The children are devistated.
I remember when my mom took the kittens in - just about two or three weeks old. We bottle fed them formula, helped them find their way to the sandbox, tucked them in at night. I could hold all three babies in my two hands, they were that tiny.
Cocoa went to a good family who loved her very much, and I'm sorry their time with her was cut so short and abruptly. Cocoa would have turned seven years old this May 12th.
Rest in peace little Cocoa. We will miss you.
(Here is the family before we took the kittens in. From top to bottom: Cheetah, Chelsea, Cocoa, and Toby.)

And here's a picture of the whole clan, with Bubbles, Tiny, and all three cats together.

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