It's a vintage pink stove. PINK!!! I love these vintage stoves and for the first time actually started looking them up online. Turns out there are a lots of places that restore and sell these vintage appliances.
Of course, my first thought when I saw this was that I had to have it. How awesome would this stove look in our future home. But then reality set in and I know that this would be taking my pink obsession a bit far. I've already got the pink mixer AND pink pots and pans. I think that's the limit my hubby would tolerate. Now, if I were single and lived on my own, that would be another story. I guess having my hubby is worth giving up the pink appliances. ;)
I have finished watching the first two seasons of Doctor Who. They got rid of another character that I liked. I'm rather disappointed. I know it's important to keep the show 'fresh', but they've already changed the main character once, and now they've replaced another lead character. I'm not used to that much change. I don't know if I'll like the new girl on the show during this third season, but I guess I have to give her a chance. The problem I have with her - from just seeing her in the previews - is that it's a girl who was killed in an earlier episode already. What the heck is she doing back???
Got caught up on our favorite shows. Lost, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy - all are put to bed for the summer. I must say, I was not thrilled with the way they ended things off on those three shows - but I'm looking forward to the new season. There were some surprises, and some very predictable 'cliff hangers', but I still love these shows.
I'm so greatful for the long weekend. I'm working on another knitted elephant, and will try to finish up a doggie sweater that I've been working on and off the past few months. I also should get back to the baby blanket I started in January for my college roommate.