Saturday, May 26, 2007

Love it

Lookie what I found!

It's a vintage pink stove. PINK!!! I love these vintage stoves and for the first time actually started looking them up online. Turns out there are a lots of places that restore and sell these vintage appliances.
Of course, my first thought when I saw this was that I had to have it. How awesome would this stove look in our future home. But then reality set in and I know that this would be taking my pink obsession a bit far. I've already got the pink mixer AND pink pots and pans. I think that's the limit my hubby would tolerate. Now, if I were single and lived on my own, that would be another story. I guess having my hubby is worth giving up the pink appliances. ;)
I have finished watching the first two seasons of Doctor Who. They got rid of another character that I liked. I'm rather disappointed. I know it's important to keep the show 'fresh', but they've already changed the main character once, and now they've replaced another lead character. I'm not used to that much change. I don't know if I'll like the new girl on the show during this third season, but I guess I have to give her a chance. The problem I have with her - from just seeing her in the previews - is that it's a girl who was killed in an earlier episode already. What the heck is she doing back???
Got caught up on our favorite shows. Lost, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy - all are put to bed for the summer. I must say, I was not thrilled with the way they ended things off on those three shows - but I'm looking forward to the new season. There were some surprises, and some very predictable 'cliff hangers', but I still love these shows.
I'm so greatful for the long weekend. I'm working on another knitted elephant, and will try to finish up a doggie sweater that I've been working on and off the past few months. I also should get back to the baby blanket I started in January for my college roommate.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Getting back into the knit of things

It's been crazy at work. Meetings upon meetings.

On my weekend, I spent hours catching up on a newly discovered show. Doctor Who. I remember it from the late 70's/early 80's when it was on PBS. It starred Tom Baker - a Howard Stern'ish kind of guy who had curly hair and a striped scarf (a la Harry Potter). And he travelled around in an old English phone booth. I think when most people mention Doctor Who, they think of this guy.

I had no idea what was going on back then. I was too young. But now in watching the new revamped 2005 version, I understand it's about time travelling and the many adventures our beloved Doctor Who encounters along the way. I also didn't know that the Doctor Who series has been around since 1963 - and we are now on our 10th Doctor (played by David Tennant).

Some of it's quite cheesy - but I love it. The first season from 2005 (the last show was with the eighth Doctor in 1996) had a great actor playing the Doctor - Christopher Eccelston. And wouldn't you know it? He ends up playing the guy with powers of invisibility on Heroes two years after leaving Doctor Who.

Anyway, while having my own marathon TV weekend of watching all of Season One, and about half of Season Two of my new favorite show, I knitted like a madwoman to finish this:

Yes, she's very similar to the elephants I've done in the past - but this one was by special request from someone who saw the original Ellie sitting on my friend's desk - and wanted a little purple skirted elephant of her own. So, here she is. She's knit on size 2 needles, so my hands get cramped up after a while and I keep having to stop.

I've since been asked to make two more elephants, but wearing Oakland A's baseball uniforms. Uh... right. I'll have to figure that out. I just enjoy making things and giving them away. I just like the satisfaction of having made them. But I keep getting request after request to make these - maybe I should start charging.

I also attempted to make a pair of socks for the first time in my life. I read so many blogs and so many people are into sock knitting, I had to finally try it myself. I just used some left over blue yarn from another project - found a simple pattern online and just plowed ahead. It was very simple knitting - quick satisfaction indeed.

First of all, this color of blue for these socks - way too bright (much brighter than the picture shows), but the yarn is oh so soft. The socks themselves... ugly as all heck, but I did it. I made a pair of socks. HA! I rarely wear socks, so this is a 'been there, done that' deal. I think these will have to be donated. I think if I had made them with a more wearable color - I would have kept them. Ah well, they'll make someone's feet cheerier.

Sunday, May 06, 2007


I am totally disgusted. I just read this news article about doctors finding spiders inside a boy's ear!!! (cold chills!) Just nasty.

Apparently, he kept hearing a 'rice crispy' type sound on his ear, so his mother brought him to the doctors. They found that what he had been hearing was the spiders walking on his eardrum. Unbelieveable.

Sorry, not much else to contribute to this except that I HATE spiders. Absolutely hate them. Even the teeny tiny baby ones I use Raid to kill them. I can't do the tissue thing - my heartrate goes up immediately and I just feel terrified. My husband hates the smell of Raid - so I've resorted to household cleaning products like Tilex. That kills them and doesn't leave a greasy stain on the walls. HA!

Yuck, yuck, yuck. I just can't get over it.

It's picture Sunday!

Just finally downloaded all my pics from my camera, so now I can share!

Here are the delightfully pink and purple knitting needles I bought yesterday from Daiso Japan. I love them. Haven't tried them yet - but I love them. These are size 6mm and 7mm needles (Japanese sizing). I figured the 6mm is equivalent to a US size 10, and the 7mm is maybe 10.75 US. There is no exact size that matched the 7mm Japanese needle. Ahh well. It's pink, I don't care. Hee hee...

And check out these weird food items!

This is Dragon Beard Candy. Can't believe I found a website on this, but it describes it the best. Click on the video to see it created! This is from my anniversary dinner with my parents.

And here are some pictures of very weird fruit that my dad bought us. I have no idea what either of them is called, but aren't they just... well, odd? The red one was absolutely gorgeous. It was a maroon collor on the outside - very smooth skin, and the inside was bright, bright white with black seeds. It was delicious. Not too sweet, but very juicy. You simply scrape out the flesh right up to the pinkish skin.

The green thing - well, not so good. It was also a fruit, but too dry inside. And I wasn't sure what I was supposed to eat, and what not to eat. There was a layer of something that was almost like a cream between the skin and the fleshy part of the fruit - no clue. And it didn't look very appetizing inside either. I like the heart shape though.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

My new favorite store

Well, not really, but it's my new favorite place to browse. Daiso Japan is a store that has everything and anything you can imagine in terms of knick knacks. They've got stationary, cookware, basic kitchenware, billions of tupperware like storage boxes, wrapping paper... It was amazing.

I found these great plastic knitting needles in a light pink and purple. I've been using mainly bamboo needles, but these were just such a pretty color. And they became the "no question" items for me when I asked how much they cost. $1.50 each pair. HA! They had nice bamboo needles for the same low price, but I really wanted some pink needles. Yes, I'm still on my pink kick.

The store was packed. and I don't mean just with products, but with people. Geez! Couldn't go down any aisle without waiting for someone to move first. As I learned from asking about my knitting needles, anything without a pricetag was a $1.50. And a lot of what I looked at didn't have prices on them.

So anyway, I was very good today. I only spent a total of $3.25 for two sets of needles. Whoo hoo!