On my weekend, I spent hours catching up on a newly discovered show. Doctor Who. I remember it from the late 70's/early 80's when it was on PBS. It starred Tom Baker - a Howard Stern'ish kind of guy who had curly hair and a striped scarf (a la Harry Potter). And he travelled around in an old English phone booth. I think when most people mention Doctor Who, they think of this guy.

I had no idea what was going on back then. I was too young. But now in watching the new revamped 2005 version, I understand it's about time travelling and the many adventures our beloved Doctor Who encounters along the way. I also didn't know that the Doctor Who series has been around since 1963 - and we are now on our 10th Doctor (played by David Tennant).
Some of it's quite cheesy - but I love it. The first season from 2005 (the last show was with the eighth Doctor in 1996) had a great actor playing the Doctor - Christopher Eccelston. And wouldn't you know it? He ends up playing the guy with powers of invisibility on Heroes two years after leaving Doctor Who.
Anyway, while having my own marathon TV weekend of watching all of Season One, and about half of Season Two of my new favorite show, I knitted like a madwoman to finish this:
Yes, she's very similar to the elephants I've done in the past - but this one was by special request from someone who saw the original Ellie sitting on my friend's desk - and wanted a little purple skirted elephant of her own. So, here she is. She's knit on size 2 needles, so my hands get cramped up after a while and I keep having to stop.
I've since been asked to make two more elephants, but wearing Oakland A's baseball uniforms. Uh... right. I'll have to figure that out. I just enjoy making things and giving them away. I just like the satisfaction of having made them. But I keep getting request after request to make these - maybe I should start charging.
I also attempted to make a pair of socks for the first time in my life. I read so many blogs and so many people are into sock knitting, I had to finally try it myself. I just used some left over blue yarn from another project - found a simple pattern online and just plowed ahead. It was very simple knitting - quick satisfaction indeed.
First of all, this color of blue for these socks - way too bright (much brighter than the picture shows), but the yarn is oh so soft. The socks themselves... ugly as all heck, but I did it. I made a pair of socks. HA! I rarely wear socks, so this is a 'been there, done that' deal. I think these will have to be donated. I think if I had made them with a more wearable color - I would have kept them. Ah well, they'll make someone's feet cheerier.
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