I'd post the letter, but just thinking about it makes me upset. I call it a letter, but it's more like a short story.
In brief, the story is told from the point of view of a dog to his owner. The dog recalls being his master's best friend through the years. Through the dating, the marriage, and the children. Then at one point, the family was moving away because of his master's job. Instead of taking the dog with them, he is brought to the local shelter - assuming that a loving family will adopt him.
The story becomes heart breaking when the dog tells of how excited he would be every day when someone walked by his cage - hoping that it would be his owner coming to get him. Patiently he waits - every day. But his owner never comes.
Then one day, and I'm sure you can pretty much guess why this upsets me so much, the dog taken to be put to sleep. And as his heart slows the dog thinks about how much he loves his owner and that he will continue to wait for him to come back.
As a pet owner, and with several dogs and cats in the family, it is just so hard for me to comprehend how people can just leave their pets behind. I know this happens. Monte was left behind by a neighborhood family, and was luckily welcomed into our home. I'm sure there are reasons peopel do this - and at the time, I'm sure the people thinks it's justified. But I can't help but think, Monte is my baby. Even though he's not my own flesh and blood - he's not just a cat to me. He's my adopted child. As silly as it sounds, that's just the way it is.
When I got home tonight, I went straight to Monte and just held him and cried. I took comfort in his purring. He didn't mind the wet spots that my tears made in his fur.
I made a promise to him that he would never be left behind - ever. I'd rather max out every credit card I have, sell my car, hock my furniture. I would never separate us. When the awful day comes someday when we do have to say goodbye, and as much as I know I don't want to, my hubby and I will hold him in our arms until his last breath - because we both know Monte does not like to be away from us. I will do this for him. Then we will bring him home after he's cremated - and he'll go with whichever of us goes first. But I pray none of this will happen for many more years.
Morbid, I know. I know I'm very emotional right now. You girls can understand. I wish I never read that story. Right now, I'm just enjoying the warmth from the soft, black, furry pillow that is sleeping on my foot.
My baby Monte in one of his brattier moments...
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