On top of it all, there's my little baby, Monte. He's doing well. The new 'less protein' food wasn't really working for him, so we went back to his original food now. We're still giving him medications twice a day. We're trying to figure out how to incorporate the special food into his diet. He needs less protein, so that his kidneys don't have to work so much.
Some good news in the middle of all this chaos... my friend J is pregnant! YEA!!! All I can say is that it's blessing this baby is coming soon. It's been a rough road - and I'm waiting for the day I see that little girl in J's arms. With this good news, I somehow found time to knit again. A gift for the baby already.
Isn't it cute? I love the little frillies on the edges. It's the Miss Dashwood hat from Knitty. I first saw this on Kuky's blog. Totally fell in love with it, but didn't have any baby girls to knit it for.
Another sweater that I had started a long time ago, and totally lost steam, is this little number.
I first saw this sweater on Cosmopolitan Purls. My friend in Japan helped me track down the pattern book. I've changed the color from a beige and pink yarn, to the white and light blue. I had finished both sleeves, until I realized I had messed up one of them and couldn't easily fix it. So, it was frogged and I'm starting over. I think I got worn out from the switching back and forth between the color yarns to make the stripes. Anyway, I've got back a little momentum. Let's see if it will last through me seaming this baby up.
And now I leave off with this bundle of cuteness. Monte was very intrigued by this piece of bread that had a smidgen of BBQ sauce on it. You can kind of see it. He has both paws around my husband's hand and is pulling the bread toward him. SO CUTE!!!
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