Saturday, December 31, 2005
Happy New Year!
2005 was a pretty rough year for a lot of people. I wish everyone in the world a safe and peaceful 2006!

Friday, December 30, 2005
Long day...
After a week of sleeping in most mornings, it was so hard to get my body out of bed this morning. I'm not even sure what time it was - it was still dark. I just remember hearing my husband's alarm go off and then him nudding me for the next five minutes trying to make me get up.
We had to take our car to San Jose to fix a window. We were supposed to drop off the car at the service center between 7a and 9a for same day service. Well, we got to San Jose around 8:30a. At first the service guy was like, "Oh, I'm booked up until next Wednesday..." After a little pushing from my husband, and reminding the guy that he told us specifically that we didn't need to make an appointment before bringing in the car, and emphasizing that we drove all the way from San Francisco, the guy told us he would try to work on the car today. Key word... "Try"
Anyway, we walked over to the Valley Fair Mall, a wee bit pissed with the fact that we almost got turned away completely. Let me tell you - I love shopping. LOVE shopping. The fact that I haven't shopped much this whole year because of the new condo just kills me. Not that I buy out a store or anything, but now, even those little 'just because I like them' pieces that I normally would have in my closet already - I put them back on the sheves and put my credit card away. So, actually going to the mall is a treat for me (I sound so deprived, don't I?)
My point is, arriving at the mall at 8:45am and having to sit there when you're stone tired until 10am is pure HELL. We walked around the empty complex and I scoped out all the stores that I was going to browse when they opened. Finally at long last, 10am slowly rolled around. The plan was, I would shop around until 11:15a or so, and then we would walk over to the theaters to catch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire at 12:15a. Well, again, here is time's cruel trick. 11:15a came so fast, I only got to see some of the stores before we had to go.
The movie was great. Great for me, because I had read the books and understood what was going on. Some parts were rather skimmed over, and the dialog I felt was choppy, but on the whole, the special effects were excellent and I enjoyed it. My husband, however, was lost. I had to explain to him certain areas where he had no idea what was going on.
About 15 minutes into the movie, the service center called. For the first time, our car was actually ready before 3pm. Normally, we just hang out at the mall from the early morning until around 2pm or 3pm - and we can't wait to get the hell outta there. But today, we were going to finish the movie, get the car, and then head back to the mall for a little bit and then leave. Well, that was the plan until my hubby got in the car and drove right onto the freeway - heading for home. I was like, "Uh, weren't we supposed to go back to the mall?" Within 10 minutes of us discussing our plans, he had forgotten. Geez!
Anyway, traffic was bad and I just said forget it - and we came home. I'm a bit disappointed - I was looking forward to doing a little shopping today. I mean, at least to have a chance to browse. It's not like we go to San Jose all the time - we only go for the car (when something goes wrong). And in Northern California - I must admit, that is my favorite mall. So, I was annoyed for a while, but what can I say? I'm bitter because my husband didn't drive me back to the mall?
It's just that we've had the whole week off from work - and mainly have done nothing but be lazy around the house. I wanted to be out and about. I haven't shopped much this whole year - and yes, I would like to wear a new piece or two from 2005. OK, yeah, I admit it. I'm still annoyed we came home so early. Oh well. My own fault for not offering to drive. If I drove, we'd have gone to the mall. I just didn't think that he'd forget something we discussed not 10 minutes earlier. Whatever.
We had to take our car to San Jose to fix a window. We were supposed to drop off the car at the service center between 7a and 9a for same day service. Well, we got to San Jose around 8:30a. At first the service guy was like, "Oh, I'm booked up until next Wednesday..." After a little pushing from my husband, and reminding the guy that he told us specifically that we didn't need to make an appointment before bringing in the car, and emphasizing that we drove all the way from San Francisco, the guy told us he would try to work on the car today. Key word... "Try"
Anyway, we walked over to the Valley Fair Mall, a wee bit pissed with the fact that we almost got turned away completely. Let me tell you - I love shopping. LOVE shopping. The fact that I haven't shopped much this whole year because of the new condo just kills me. Not that I buy out a store or anything, but now, even those little 'just because I like them' pieces that I normally would have in my closet already - I put them back on the sheves and put my credit card away. So, actually going to the mall is a treat for me (I sound so deprived, don't I?)
My point is, arriving at the mall at 8:45am and having to sit there when you're stone tired until 10am is pure HELL. We walked around the empty complex and I scoped out all the stores that I was going to browse when they opened. Finally at long last, 10am slowly rolled around. The plan was, I would shop around until 11:15a or so, and then we would walk over to the theaters to catch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire at 12:15a. Well, again, here is time's cruel trick. 11:15a came so fast, I only got to see some of the stores before we had to go.
The movie was great. Great for me, because I had read the books and understood what was going on. Some parts were rather skimmed over, and the dialog I felt was choppy, but on the whole, the special effects were excellent and I enjoyed it. My husband, however, was lost. I had to explain to him certain areas where he had no idea what was going on.
About 15 minutes into the movie, the service center called. For the first time, our car was actually ready before 3pm. Normally, we just hang out at the mall from the early morning until around 2pm or 3pm - and we can't wait to get the hell outta there. But today, we were going to finish the movie, get the car, and then head back to the mall for a little bit and then leave. Well, that was the plan until my hubby got in the car and drove right onto the freeway - heading for home. I was like, "Uh, weren't we supposed to go back to the mall?" Within 10 minutes of us discussing our plans, he had forgotten. Geez!
Anyway, traffic was bad and I just said forget it - and we came home. I'm a bit disappointed - I was looking forward to doing a little shopping today. I mean, at least to have a chance to browse. It's not like we go to San Jose all the time - we only go for the car (when something goes wrong). And in Northern California - I must admit, that is my favorite mall. So, I was annoyed for a while, but what can I say? I'm bitter because my husband didn't drive me back to the mall?
It's just that we've had the whole week off from work - and mainly have done nothing but be lazy around the house. I wanted to be out and about. I haven't shopped much this whole year - and yes, I would like to wear a new piece or two from 2005. OK, yeah, I admit it. I'm still annoyed we came home so early. Oh well. My own fault for not offering to drive. If I drove, we'd have gone to the mall. I just didn't think that he'd forget something we discussed not 10 minutes earlier. Whatever.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Let's hear it for 10 years!

On another note, Monte is back to normal. Yea!
It's laundry day, and he's been burrowing as usual. No making the bed for now. We've got a kitty lost in the pile somewhere. It's so funny - I was standing near the bed and calling Monte's name - and from deep within the large mountain of comforter and sheets, you could hear a soft little "meow..." He crawled in himself and had nice nap.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Monte is home...
My baby is home! He's OK. He's a little out of it. He kind of wobbled out of his carrier and bonked into the wall when we let him out, but on the whole, it's nothing a good night's sleep won't take care of. He's a little grouchy, but that's to be expected.
In talking to the Vet, she said that she had used a different kind of anesthetic than what was used on Monte in the past. She said that this was the kind she used for older cats and that it's normally very safe. In Monte's case, he just didn't take to it well, so they had to bring him out of it right away. At least they managed to clean the rest of his teeth before he became fully awake and threw a hissy fit. Yep, my boy is a fighter. We discussed it a bit and decided that since his fractured tooth doesn't seem to be bothering him, it's best to let Monte alone for the next few months. The Vet will discuss with the Dentist and see what options are best.
In the meantime, my little kitty is home again. He's a bit grouchy, but lovey at the same time. He'll roll around on the rug like he usually does when he's playful, but then when you start playing with him, he'll meow really loud and run away. We're just leaving him alone for now. I'm sure he'll be back to normal by tomorrow. I'm just glad he's home.
In talking to the Vet, she said that she had used a different kind of anesthetic than what was used on Monte in the past. She said that this was the kind she used for older cats and that it's normally very safe. In Monte's case, he just didn't take to it well, so they had to bring him out of it right away. At least they managed to clean the rest of his teeth before he became fully awake and threw a hissy fit. Yep, my boy is a fighter. We discussed it a bit and decided that since his fractured tooth doesn't seem to be bothering him, it's best to let Monte alone for the next few months. The Vet will discuss with the Dentist and see what options are best.
In the meantime, my little kitty is home again. He's a bit grouchy, but lovey at the same time. He'll roll around on the rug like he usually does when he's playful, but then when you start playing with him, he'll meow really loud and run away. We're just leaving him alone for now. I'm sure he'll be back to normal by tomorrow. I'm just glad he's home.

Monte update
My hubby just called. He said the Vet called him and told him that they weren't able to extract Monte's tooth. Apparently, his heart rate went really low and they had to bring him out almost right after they put him under. He was having a reaction to the anethesia. He's been under before, but they said that it's possible that this developed just simply from his being older now. They took an EKG and said that his upper heart valve is not communicating with his lower valve. I don't know what that means, but I'm sure the doctor will explain more when we go there tonight.
My heart is racing and I feel so helpless. At this point, Monte is OK - but they're going to observe him for a couple of hours before letting us bring him home. The Vet is also trying to figure out what they can do about his tooth since they can't put him under, but of course, that's not the main concern right now. Another worry is, what will they do if Monte ever has to have any surgery or anything that may require him to be put under again?
There's nothing I can do but wait. I just want to bring my baby home. I'm so scared.
My heart is racing and I feel so helpless. At this point, Monte is OK - but they're going to observe him for a couple of hours before letting us bring him home. The Vet is also trying to figure out what they can do about his tooth since they can't put him under, but of course, that's not the main concern right now. Another worry is, what will they do if Monte ever has to have any surgery or anything that may require him to be put under again?
There's nothing I can do but wait. I just want to bring my baby home. I'm so scared.
Having the week off
It's so nice to have the whole week off from work. I think I didn't really relax until Monday, because I slept over 10 hours! Yep, went to sleep around 1am Sunday and didn't wait up until 11:30am Monday morning.
On Christmas Eve, we went over to my in-law's house. A tradition that works out perfectly. We had a wonderful evening. My mom-in-law made Podvorak (basically it's a saurkraute with a lot of seasonings - baked for several hours) and boneless pork chops. This is one of my FAVORITE dishes. After dinner, we opened presents and then had apple delights for dessert (cinnamon apples rolled in filo dough with powdered sugar on top).
Still full from dinner the next morning, my hubby and I played Santa and dropped off gifts to friends before heading over to my parents house and going to a dim sum luncheon. After presents, we celebrated my dad's birthday with a delicious chocolate cake (complements of the Treasure Island Hotel in Vegas). We were surprised they sent a cake - but no one complained. It was GOOOD! And I don't even like chocolate that much. I can't even describe it - it was just good!
My hubby and I rolled ourselves into the car and made one more Santa stop before heading home for a much needed nap. Before long, it was time to get up and pick up my parents and grandma and head out to Sonoma. We met up with my in-laws for our traditional Christmas dinner - this year we tried out the restaurant at the MacArthur Place Inn & Spa. I had yummy Rib Eye steak with potatoes au gratin and creamed spinach. I didn't even have any appetizers or dessert. I think I've had my fill of food for a while.
Last night, my hubby and I went to go see the new Harry Potter movie - unfortunately, they sold out while we were standing in line for the tickets. So, we saw Memoirs of a Geisha instead. I loved it. I love the book - read it twice. I love all the actors in this movie - Zhang Ziyi and Gong Li are so beautiful, and I've always liked Michelle Yeoh. Of course, they cut out a lot of details from the book and changed little things, but I really felt they keep the essence of the book. It's a visually beautiful movie as well. I highly recommend it.
This morning, we woke up at 7am and brought Monte to the vet. My poor kitty has a fractured tooth that needs to be extracted. He already had his lower left front fang removed a year ago. It was decaying (apparently, these teeth problems are comment for older cats). Today, it will be the upper fang on the same side. My poor baby. I worry because he's older and they have to put him under to perform the extraction. We went through a difficult night. We had to take away his food at 8pm, and I just know he's so hungry. All night, we was nudging us to give him back his dish. It was very difficult and of course, how do you explain to your cat why we had to take away his food? So, after a sleepless night, my hubby is napping on the couch. I can't sleep - so I'm on the computer. Just waiting for them to call us to go pick him up. We bought lots of canned food for Monte, so it will be easier for him to eat while he heals. My poor baby.

On Christmas Eve, we went over to my in-law's house. A tradition that works out perfectly. We had a wonderful evening. My mom-in-law made Podvorak (basically it's a saurkraute with a lot of seasonings - baked for several hours) and boneless pork chops. This is one of my FAVORITE dishes. After dinner, we opened presents and then had apple delights for dessert (cinnamon apples rolled in filo dough with powdered sugar on top).
Still full from dinner the next morning, my hubby and I played Santa and dropped off gifts to friends before heading over to my parents house and going to a dim sum luncheon. After presents, we celebrated my dad's birthday with a delicious chocolate cake (complements of the Treasure Island Hotel in Vegas). We were surprised they sent a cake - but no one complained. It was GOOOD! And I don't even like chocolate that much. I can't even describe it - it was just good!
My hubby and I rolled ourselves into the car and made one more Santa stop before heading home for a much needed nap. Before long, it was time to get up and pick up my parents and grandma and head out to Sonoma. We met up with my in-laws for our traditional Christmas dinner - this year we tried out the restaurant at the MacArthur Place Inn & Spa. I had yummy Rib Eye steak with potatoes au gratin and creamed spinach. I didn't even have any appetizers or dessert. I think I've had my fill of food for a while.
Last night, my hubby and I went to go see the new Harry Potter movie - unfortunately, they sold out while we were standing in line for the tickets. So, we saw Memoirs of a Geisha instead. I loved it. I love the book - read it twice. I love all the actors in this movie - Zhang Ziyi and Gong Li are so beautiful, and I've always liked Michelle Yeoh. Of course, they cut out a lot of details from the book and changed little things, but I really felt they keep the essence of the book. It's a visually beautiful movie as well. I highly recommend it.
This morning, we woke up at 7am and brought Monte to the vet. My poor kitty has a fractured tooth that needs to be extracted. He already had his lower left front fang removed a year ago. It was decaying (apparently, these teeth problems are comment for older cats). Today, it will be the upper fang on the same side. My poor baby. I worry because he's older and they have to put him under to perform the extraction. We went through a difficult night. We had to take away his food at 8pm, and I just know he's so hungry. All night, we was nudging us to give him back his dish. It was very difficult and of course, how do you explain to your cat why we had to take away his food? So, after a sleepless night, my hubby is napping on the couch. I can't sleep - so I'm on the computer. Just waiting for them to call us to go pick him up. We bought lots of canned food for Monte, so it will be easier for him to eat while he heals. My poor baby.

Sunday, December 25, 2005
Friday, December 23, 2005
Once a year
There's a guy at my work who is a total grinch all year round. He has no hesitation in making rude comments or telling off one of our client's if he feels that they're doing something (in his opinion) stupid. You can pass him in the hall every single day, and he will not even acknowledge you - even if you greet him. He's just a year long scrooge.
And then there is the one day of the year that amazes me. Every Christmas Eve, our department welcomes us to bring our families for a special catered breakfast and there are holiday activities for the children. Around 10am, Santa will come and each child will get their picture taken with him, and he hands out little goodies. Yes, it's the grinch in full on Santa attire, complete with large red sack of toys, white wig, beard, glasses - he even puts powder in his eyebrows to lighten them. He loves being Santa - you can see it. He loves playing with the children and talking to them. He loves handing out the small surprise packages. He is fully Santa. I heard that he actually bought the Santa outfit he wore today himself. And the guy is Jewish.
So, I'm sure come Monday, the grinch will be back in full force, but just this one day each year, the grinch's heart grows and Santa emerges.
And then there is the one day of the year that amazes me. Every Christmas Eve, our department welcomes us to bring our families for a special catered breakfast and there are holiday activities for the children. Around 10am, Santa will come and each child will get their picture taken with him, and he hands out little goodies. Yes, it's the grinch in full on Santa attire, complete with large red sack of toys, white wig, beard, glasses - he even puts powder in his eyebrows to lighten them. He loves being Santa - you can see it. He loves playing with the children and talking to them. He loves handing out the small surprise packages. He is fully Santa. I heard that he actually bought the Santa outfit he wore today himself. And the guy is Jewish.
So, I'm sure come Monday, the grinch will be back in full force, but just this one day each year, the grinch's heart grows and Santa emerges.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Why do people do this?
It's been an extremely dreary day. The sky was dark and gloomy. Rain was coming down at random. It's been raining on and off the last several days.
So, why is it that people feel it's OK to tie their dog to a tree on the sidewalk and go grocery shopping - and leave the poor animal standing in the rain? Is that really necessary? Is that just not thinking? Is that not caring?
I bet you the person who tied the dog up, ran into the store to avoid getting wet themselves.
I'm not a huge animal activist who protests animal cruelty (and of course, I don't condone it), and I'm not a vegetarian - but I do love animals. I would never do that to my dog. I even towel off my cat's head when he sticks his head out the window and a few drops of rain get him wet. I just don't see the reason for leaving a pet outside to wait for you in this kind of weather.
So, why is it that people feel it's OK to tie their dog to a tree on the sidewalk and go grocery shopping - and leave the poor animal standing in the rain? Is that really necessary? Is that just not thinking? Is that not caring?
I bet you the person who tied the dog up, ran into the store to avoid getting wet themselves.
I'm not a huge animal activist who protests animal cruelty (and of course, I don't condone it), and I'm not a vegetarian - but I do love animals. I would never do that to my dog. I even towel off my cat's head when he sticks his head out the window and a few drops of rain get him wet. I just don't see the reason for leaving a pet outside to wait for you in this kind of weather.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
The little things...
Every year, I wait in anticipation of a most delightful treat for myself. And as timing would have it, amidst all this drama at work, my treat came yesterday! For the holiday season, Neiman Marcus offers these wonderful Petit Fours. Little layered cakes covered in a thin sheet of either white or dark chocolate. Each is hand decorated with little holiday symbols. The best way to eat them is nice and cold from the refrigerator - that way, the chocolate doesn't get all sticky in your fingers. Aren't these cute? I love the little stocking ones. I prefer the white chocolate and my hubby likes the dark chocolate ones - so it works out. Of course, I tend to nibble some dark chocolate ones too when he's not home. Or if I've finished all the white ones already and there are some of his left over.

Sometimes, it really is the little things that make the world just a little sweeter.
And guess what? I finally used my pink mixer!!! Yea! For the Christmas party this past weekend, I made cheesecake cupcakes. I used bing cherries and blue berries in syrup for the toppings. I LOVE my mixer. It's totally awesome. I whipped these out within 45 minutes. I think I may need to cut the recipe in half though next time. I think I made 24 of them. Brought 12 to the party - now we're eating them every night before they spoil. No holiday diet here...

Sometimes, it really is the little things that make the world just a little sweeter.
And guess what? I finally used my pink mixer!!! Yea! For the Christmas party this past weekend, I made cheesecake cupcakes. I used bing cherries and blue berries in syrup for the toppings. I LOVE my mixer. It's totally awesome. I whipped these out within 45 minutes. I think I may need to cut the recipe in half though next time. I think I made 24 of them. Brought 12 to the party - now we're eating them every night before they spoil. No holiday diet here...

Monday, December 19, 2005
Is it almost over?
Well, 2005 hasn't been the best year - and honestly, I can't wait for it to end.
Over the weekend, my dad told me that his second eldest brother passed away. I believe he was 85 years old. He lived in New Orleans and was evacuated during the whole Katrina disaster. He was in an assisted living facility that evacuated in time before the floods hit, but he lost everything. All he asked for, after he settle in a new home, were pictures of the family. He didn't want money or anything else - just pictures. It was very touching, but also very sad.
My dad is the youngest of a very large family - and most of the older siblings are in their 70's and 80's now. He wasn't very close with this uncle, but still - he was a bit mellow when I talked to him. He thinking about how the numbers are going down... I don't know what to say to comfort him. We all know there will come a time when you realize how much older certain family members are - and time may be limited to spend with them.
Well, my dad's birthday is on Christmas - and we will celebrate with my in-laws as well. It's become a fun tradition that we started just a few years ago. Everyone likes each other - and there's always a lot of laughter. I think my dad needs that now.
On a happier note, this past weekend was our holiday get together. It was so much fun. We made it a pot luck lunch/dinner, exchanged gifts, and did our version of a 'white trash' gingerbreadhouse. White trash meaning, using the cheapest candies and graham crackers you could find. I took it one more step, I actually put together a trailer - complete with a green lifesaver wreath on the door. Hee hee. I'll try to get a picture from my friend. Wouldn't you know it? All of us forgot our cameras. Luckily, we actually had our party at one friend's house, so she had a camera. By the time we were done with the houses - our hands were just covered with that marshmallow puff in a jar stuff - so we probably wouldn't have taken many pictures anyway.
So, want to see what I made all the gals for their gifts? I couldn't show them before, but here they are...

I made 6 of them this year. Whew! It wasn't easy. They look kind of funky in the pictures, but trust me, they're actually even and proportioned. My friends really liked them. I just save to go to the post office this week and send off the last of them to my friends in So. Cal. I just can't believe I got them finished in time.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Expected, but dreaded announcement
Yesterday, our department had a last minute staff meeting. My friends and I joked about what this meeting could be about, but deep down we knew... either our department was moving to Sacramento, or we were being out sourced.
Long story short, the department is moving. I, however, plan to stay right here in SF. So, what does that mean? I have to find another job. I've already applied for one that I saw the morning before the announcement came out - so I guess that was the push I needed to click that 'Send' button.
I'm not worried. I know I'll find something. This announcement is no surprise, but reality hits you much harder than months of rumors. Several people I know are looking into the housing market in Sacramento already. Others are still undecided on what to do. What gets me is that upper management, during the same meeting announcing our move, tells us that they don't want this to ruin our Christmas. To please be reassured that everything possible will be done to place us in new jobs, or make the move as painless as possible. Uh, right. How can an announcement like that NOT make you worry - especially around Christmas. What if you don't find something? Should you spend that extra $100 you were going to use for gifts this holiday?
So, no move for me. It's time to move on anyway. I'm not happy - but this is getting me off my butt to post my resume out there and call on old favors. Wish me luck.
In events more cheery to the heart, my friends and I are having a holiday get together this weekend. I've finished all my gifts - so after Sunday, I'll be able to post my most secret projects. I have one more to make - but that's for a friend I'm going to mail the package to. I'm excited. I've made homemade gifts in previous years - like lip gloss and soaps and such, but nothing like this.
Long story short, the department is moving. I, however, plan to stay right here in SF. So, what does that mean? I have to find another job. I've already applied for one that I saw the morning before the announcement came out - so I guess that was the push I needed to click that 'Send' button.
I'm not worried. I know I'll find something. This announcement is no surprise, but reality hits you much harder than months of rumors. Several people I know are looking into the housing market in Sacramento already. Others are still undecided on what to do. What gets me is that upper management, during the same meeting announcing our move, tells us that they don't want this to ruin our Christmas. To please be reassured that everything possible will be done to place us in new jobs, or make the move as painless as possible. Uh, right. How can an announcement like that NOT make you worry - especially around Christmas. What if you don't find something? Should you spend that extra $100 you were going to use for gifts this holiday?
So, no move for me. It's time to move on anyway. I'm not happy - but this is getting me off my butt to post my resume out there and call on old favors. Wish me luck.
In events more cheery to the heart, my friends and I are having a holiday get together this weekend. I've finished all my gifts - so after Sunday, I'll be able to post my most secret projects. I have one more to make - but that's for a friend I'm going to mail the package to. I'm excited. I've made homemade gifts in previous years - like lip gloss and soaps and such, but nothing like this.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Just venting...
First day at my new desk... Got to work this morning and started packing up my things from my old cube and moved them over to my new desk area. Like my move from apartment to condo, I have A LOT of stuff. How the heck did I accumulate that much stuff at work???
Yes, there was a box of little holiday decorations, free mugs and calculators (you know, the ones that commemorate a special project that the higher ups are oh so proud of), and the little 'too cute to throw away' things. Then there are the filled notebooks that can't be thrown away yet. The documentation and text files that were handed out during training sessions. The stack of pictures I had to take down from my walls because, and don't get me started, I don't have walls anymore. My hangup calendar is now lying flat on my desk. And it will remain there until the new year when I can recycle it. It's just very sad.
Not sad because I have these things that I felt important enough to keep with me after 10 years with this company. No, it's sad because I've been reduced to a small corner space with a window view of (gasp) another highrise. At least I can catch a glimpse of onramp of the Bay Bridge from the side of it. You know what I realized today, sitting at my desk, always aware that someone else's face was just a few feet from mine - facing me all day long? I can't even make a personal phone call without everyone within 10 feet hearing everything. If I want to make a doctor's appointment? I have to get my cell and walk away to do it. OK - I started again, but I'm bitter folks. If not for the stupid things and stupid people at my work that cheated me out of a much deserved promotion... And if you ask anyone on that floor who worked with me for the past two years while I was on rotation in my now coveted position - they will tell you the same. I deserved that promotion. I still do. And what was promised to me was conveniently dismissed.
They keep saying that they don't know what is going to happen with the fate of my old team, or my department. That's the excuse I've been given as a retraction to my promised promotion. Well, ladies and gents - that is no way to keep a good employee around. You think I'm so good, show me something that will benefit me to make me want to stay.
Sorry to vent. I'm just very frustrated. The holidays are here. My favorite time of the year, and I'm miserable. I just need to win the MegaMillions jackpot and all my frustrations will be over. Now, if only those other people would stop buying my winning ticket!
Yes, there was a box of little holiday decorations, free mugs and calculators (you know, the ones that commemorate a special project that the higher ups are oh so proud of), and the little 'too cute to throw away' things. Then there are the filled notebooks that can't be thrown away yet. The documentation and text files that were handed out during training sessions. The stack of pictures I had to take down from my walls because, and don't get me started, I don't have walls anymore. My hangup calendar is now lying flat on my desk. And it will remain there until the new year when I can recycle it. It's just very sad.
Not sad because I have these things that I felt important enough to keep with me after 10 years with this company. No, it's sad because I've been reduced to a small corner space with a window view of (gasp) another highrise. At least I can catch a glimpse of onramp of the Bay Bridge from the side of it. You know what I realized today, sitting at my desk, always aware that someone else's face was just a few feet from mine - facing me all day long? I can't even make a personal phone call without everyone within 10 feet hearing everything. If I want to make a doctor's appointment? I have to get my cell and walk away to do it. OK - I started again, but I'm bitter folks. If not for the stupid things and stupid people at my work that cheated me out of a much deserved promotion... And if you ask anyone on that floor who worked with me for the past two years while I was on rotation in my now coveted position - they will tell you the same. I deserved that promotion. I still do. And what was promised to me was conveniently dismissed.
They keep saying that they don't know what is going to happen with the fate of my old team, or my department. That's the excuse I've been given as a retraction to my promised promotion. Well, ladies and gents - that is no way to keep a good employee around. You think I'm so good, show me something that will benefit me to make me want to stay.
Sorry to vent. I'm just very frustrated. The holidays are here. My favorite time of the year, and I'm miserable. I just need to win the MegaMillions jackpot and all my frustrations will be over. Now, if only those other people would stop buying my winning ticket!
Sunday, December 04, 2005
I haven't written in a while. It's been a frustrating time since my last entry. Tomorrow I officially start as a member of a new team at work. For the past seven years, I've worked my way to being, well, basically a top performer within my little group. I've learned all I can learn, and do what I do well.
In the past several months, new management and other details I can't go into have been making my life miserable where I am. So, I put out the word that I would like to try my skills in a different team. Same department, but different group. Well, I guess you could say my wish was granted, but not without drawbacks. And it's a minor drawback.
If you consider that you go to work to, well, work... then it really shouldn't matter where you are placed. The thing that will be hard to get used to is that I'm not going to have my own cube anymore. I just recently moved to a window cube this year. Awesome view of the Bay Bridge. When I first started with the company, I had normal cubes. What I mean is, the walls were tall - even if you stood up, you would have to get on your tip toes to peer over.
When I moved to my current department, I had to get used to walls half that height. Which was fine. When you're sitting, you're still in your own little space. The new area I'm moving to... no walls. It's just one big U shaped area, and I'm in one corner of the U. So, not only do I not even have a place to hang my jacket (literally, there are no walls), I'm staring at someone all day long. Yep, just to the left of my monitor, I'm across from a woman who will be facing my way. And from what I know of this woman, she mumbles. A LOT. Sigh... And now, I'm the newbie again.
I'm not happy. My poor hubby has been the victim of my 'wrath' for the past few weeks. I snap at him for the slightest thing. I feel terrible when I do that - and I totally acknowledge that it's wrong. But more often than not, the anger has already surfaced and the words have already left my mouth. I know he's trying to be understanding of my situation - but I still shouldn't take it out on him in the first place.
So, tomorrow is Monday. My first day at my new desk. They moved my computers and such on Friday, so I just need to take some time in the morning and move over some personal stuff. Oh, so get this... I don't even have a cabinet to put my stuff in. What am I supposed to do? Geez! I don't know who designed the layout of that area. It's the only one on the floor that is like that. Everyone else has a personal cube. I just don't get it.
I guess it's my own fault though. I haven't really been pushing myself to look for another job elsewhere. I saw one at Google that sounds awesome, but it's in Mountain View. They do have a free shuttle though... I should look into it more.
Anyway, what's done is done - I can't change my situation at work for now. Just gotta get used to it. To let go of a little frustration at work, I've been concentrating on my special Christmas gifts. I've completed three and started working on the fourth one last night. Two more to go after that. I think I'm getting the hang of it, but there was definitely a lot of trial and error. I'll post some pictures of them after the holidays. I bought some material yesterday for my last two projects. I love the blue one - it's so soft!
In the past several months, new management and other details I can't go into have been making my life miserable where I am. So, I put out the word that I would like to try my skills in a different team. Same department, but different group. Well, I guess you could say my wish was granted, but not without drawbacks. And it's a minor drawback.
If you consider that you go to work to, well, work... then it really shouldn't matter where you are placed. The thing that will be hard to get used to is that I'm not going to have my own cube anymore. I just recently moved to a window cube this year. Awesome view of the Bay Bridge. When I first started with the company, I had normal cubes. What I mean is, the walls were tall - even if you stood up, you would have to get on your tip toes to peer over.
When I moved to my current department, I had to get used to walls half that height. Which was fine. When you're sitting, you're still in your own little space. The new area I'm moving to... no walls. It's just one big U shaped area, and I'm in one corner of the U. So, not only do I not even have a place to hang my jacket (literally, there are no walls), I'm staring at someone all day long. Yep, just to the left of my monitor, I'm across from a woman who will be facing my way. And from what I know of this woman, she mumbles. A LOT. Sigh... And now, I'm the newbie again.
I'm not happy. My poor hubby has been the victim of my 'wrath' for the past few weeks. I snap at him for the slightest thing. I feel terrible when I do that - and I totally acknowledge that it's wrong. But more often than not, the anger has already surfaced and the words have already left my mouth. I know he's trying to be understanding of my situation - but I still shouldn't take it out on him in the first place.
So, tomorrow is Monday. My first day at my new desk. They moved my computers and such on Friday, so I just need to take some time in the morning and move over some personal stuff. Oh, so get this... I don't even have a cabinet to put my stuff in. What am I supposed to do? Geez! I don't know who designed the layout of that area. It's the only one on the floor that is like that. Everyone else has a personal cube. I just don't get it.
I guess it's my own fault though. I haven't really been pushing myself to look for another job elsewhere. I saw one at Google that sounds awesome, but it's in Mountain View. They do have a free shuttle though... I should look into it more.
Anyway, what's done is done - I can't change my situation at work for now. Just gotta get used to it. To let go of a little frustration at work, I've been concentrating on my special Christmas gifts. I've completed three and started working on the fourth one last night. Two more to go after that. I think I'm getting the hang of it, but there was definitely a lot of trial and error. I'll post some pictures of them after the holidays. I bought some material yesterday for my last two projects. I love the blue one - it's so soft!

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