On Christmas Eve, we went over to my in-law's house. A tradition that works out perfectly. We had a wonderful evening. My mom-in-law made Podvorak (basically it's a saurkraute with a lot of seasonings - baked for several hours) and boneless pork chops. This is one of my FAVORITE dishes. After dinner, we opened presents and then had apple delights for dessert (cinnamon apples rolled in filo dough with powdered sugar on top).
Still full from dinner the next morning, my hubby and I played Santa and dropped off gifts to friends before heading over to my parents house and going to a dim sum luncheon. After presents, we celebrated my dad's birthday with a delicious chocolate cake (complements of the Treasure Island Hotel in Vegas). We were surprised they sent a cake - but no one complained. It was GOOOD! And I don't even like chocolate that much. I can't even describe it - it was just good!
My hubby and I rolled ourselves into the car and made one more Santa stop before heading home for a much needed nap. Before long, it was time to get up and pick up my parents and grandma and head out to Sonoma. We met up with my in-laws for our traditional Christmas dinner - this year we tried out the restaurant at the MacArthur Place Inn & Spa. I had yummy Rib Eye steak with potatoes au gratin and creamed spinach. I didn't even have any appetizers or dessert. I think I've had my fill of food for a while.
Last night, my hubby and I went to go see the new Harry Potter movie - unfortunately, they sold out while we were standing in line for the tickets. So, we saw Memoirs of a Geisha instead. I loved it. I love the book - read it twice. I love all the actors in this movie - Zhang Ziyi and Gong Li are so beautiful, and I've always liked Michelle Yeoh. Of course, they cut out a lot of details from the book and changed little things, but I really felt they keep the essence of the book. It's a visually beautiful movie as well. I highly recommend it.
This morning, we woke up at 7am and brought Monte to the vet. My poor kitty has a fractured tooth that needs to be extracted. He already had his lower left front fang removed a year ago. It was decaying (apparently, these teeth problems are comment for older cats). Today, it will be the upper fang on the same side. My poor baby. I worry because he's older and they have to put him under to perform the extraction. We went through a difficult night. We had to take away his food at 8pm, and I just know he's so hungry. All night, we was nudging us to give him back his dish. It was very difficult and of course, how do you explain to your cat why we had to take away his food? So, after a sleepless night, my hubby is napping on the couch. I can't sleep - so I'm on the computer. Just waiting for them to call us to go pick him up. We bought lots of canned food for Monte, so it will be easier for him to eat while he heals. My poor baby.

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