In the past several months, new management and other details I can't go into have been making my life miserable where I am. So, I put out the word that I would like to try my skills in a different team. Same department, but different group. Well, I guess you could say my wish was granted, but not without drawbacks. And it's a minor drawback.
If you consider that you go to work to, well, work... then it really shouldn't matter where you are placed. The thing that will be hard to get used to is that I'm not going to have my own cube anymore. I just recently moved to a window cube this year. Awesome view of the Bay Bridge. When I first started with the company, I had normal cubes. What I mean is, the walls were tall - even if you stood up, you would have to get on your tip toes to peer over.
When I moved to my current department, I had to get used to walls half that height. Which was fine. When you're sitting, you're still in your own little space. The new area I'm moving to... no walls. It's just one big U shaped area, and I'm in one corner of the U. So, not only do I not even have a place to hang my jacket (literally, there are no walls), I'm staring at someone all day long. Yep, just to the left of my monitor, I'm across from a woman who will be facing my way. And from what I know of this woman, she mumbles. A LOT. Sigh... And now, I'm the newbie again.
I'm not happy. My poor hubby has been the victim of my 'wrath' for the past few weeks. I snap at him for the slightest thing. I feel terrible when I do that - and I totally acknowledge that it's wrong. But more often than not, the anger has already surfaced and the words have already left my mouth. I know he's trying to be understanding of my situation - but I still shouldn't take it out on him in the first place.
So, tomorrow is Monday. My first day at my new desk. They moved my computers and such on Friday, so I just need to take some time in the morning and move over some personal stuff. Oh, so get this... I don't even have a cabinet to put my stuff in. What am I supposed to do? Geez! I don't know who designed the layout of that area. It's the only one on the floor that is like that. Everyone else has a personal cube. I just don't get it.
I guess it's my own fault though. I haven't really been pushing myself to look for another job elsewhere. I saw one at Google that sounds awesome, but it's in Mountain View. They do have a free shuttle though... I should look into it more.
Anyway, what's done is done - I can't change my situation at work for now. Just gotta get used to it. To let go of a little frustration at work, I've been concentrating on my special Christmas gifts. I've completed three and started working on the fourth one last night. Two more to go after that. I think I'm getting the hang of it, but there was definitely a lot of trial and error. I'll post some pictures of them after the holidays. I bought some material yesterday for my last two projects. I love the blue one - it's so soft!

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