Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Batman: The Dark Knight

We watched Batman: The Dark Knight this weekend. I have to admit, I was skeptical at first. There was just too much hype about Heath Ledger - and I was sick of hearing about him before I even saw the movie. I mean, they were talking about Oscar nomination before the movie was even released in the theaters.

Well, I humbly step back and I have to agree. Heath Ledger was awesome. I didn't know what to expect from him as The Joker, but man! He delivered it. He was freaky, funny, and just left chills going down your spine with his complete insanity.

The special effects of the movie were incredible as well.

The only gripe I have is... what is up with the way Christian Bale speaks when he's Batman??? Half the time you can't understand what he's staying - and it's just stupid. Did he do this 'growl' in Batman Begins? I don't think he did - at least not this bad.


g. girl said...

I felt the same way you did, in the beginning, too. Especially since it seems Ledger didn't get uber famous until his recent demise. I loved him in Brokeback Mountain. But he did deliver a great Joker, that's for sure.

The only reason I'm not reviewing it in my blog, is because unfortunately, I slept through some parts (I was really tired....didn't realize it). I'll have to watch it again.

Good review!!!

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.