Friday, June 26, 2009

In a mellow mood...

My Uncle Jimmy left us last night. He had been sick for quite a few years, and now he is at peace. No more suffering. We will miss you Uncle Jimmy.

It's been a strange week with the deaths of Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson. People I've "grown-up" with. All gone.

1 comment:

g. girl said...

sorry to hear about your uncle, d. i know how you feel. almost every month, someone either in our family or close to our family/parents, have passed. it makes you realize the passing of time, how much older your parents really are, and how much we've grown. i think me and you, both, are always resisting the inkling that we're officially "adults." maybe because we don't have children, we don't "have to" officially be adults, yet.

my prayers and thoughts to you and your family...g