Wednesday, April 25, 2007


It's been a while. I've been so busy at work, I have to check my calendar each week to be sure which city I'm supposed to be in each day. Crazy, huh? This week, I've been trekking to San Ramon every morning. I don't mind it too much though. I get good knitting time for 40 minutes in the mornings and evenings. Last week, I was in Sacramento.

I guess it's good and bad. I recently joined a huge project that will change the way my company does business internally - which in turn will provide better service to our customers outside in the real world. It's an awesome experience for my resume - and I appreciate being asked to join this team. On the flip side, my 'real' job is still lingering there waiting for me. I wasn't crazy about that. I looked on the job boards today and saw several Tech Writer positions open. One of them is a Senior position that I am PERFECT for. I mean, the job description was written describing me practically. What timing.

Of course, as a tech writer with limited web design experience, it may put me in a position where I'm stuck and can't move up anywhere. The project I'm in now could lead to big opportunities for me - changes that I'm hoping will be good, but I don't know. It could also just dump me back to my old position when all is said and done.

Oh the drama of it all. :( I don't want to burn my bridges with the higher ups who wanted me on this project. But I don't want to miss out on any opportunities either.

What to do? What to do?

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