Thursday, March 29, 2007

Babies, babies, babies!

My favorite roommate from college is a mommy now! She had her baby boy, Gavin, on her birthday this past Sunday. What a wonderful birthday present - and kind of unexpected. I say unexpected because the original due date was April 1st - and the doctor pushed it back to April 10th. And even when she felt contractions on the Friday and Saturday before the birth, the doctor kept thinking it was false labor. So, E was able to get one more baby shower party in before going to the hospital for real. Funny. Of course, this makes me think what the doctor was checking to be THAT off on the timing and insisting the baby wasn't ready yet. But I'm not a mom, so I have no idea.

Anyway, E lives in So. Cal - so I'm not able to go see her unfortunately. I was able to visit with her in January, so I did get to see her in all her pregnant glory. I'm so happy for her. I know she's going to be a wonderful mom.

Congratulations E and R. Welcome baby Gavin!!!

I also found out, about a week ago, that another friend had a baby girl. Sofia. Her dad is the brother of my hubby's business partner. This is their second girl. Sofia and her family also live in So. Cal. I think they're actually in a neighboring city to my roomie.

Hmmm, maybe my hubby and I should do another road trip.

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