Sunday, March 04, 2007

Various Projects

Unfortunately, I forgot to charge up my camera, so no pictures of my recent WIP pieces. But I'll post some soon, I promise.

I'm still working on the multicolored baby blanket. I finally got sick of all the hanging yarn, so I weaved in all the ends of yarn that wouldn't been used in the rest of the design anymore. That made it a little more manageable, but it still takes me about 40 minutes to complete one row. Geez!

I started another project. The doggie sweater from the Stitch 'N Bitch book. It's fairly easy knitting, but I've gotten to the part for the arm holes and I'm trying to figure that our now. I'm also having to make adjustments because the width wise, I'm following the large dog measurements. And length wise, I have to adjust it to the medium dog size. I hope it will fit!

The third and last project I'm working on is my favorite. Why? Because it's brainless knitting for me. I'm knitting squares for charity. I found it on the Knitty Gritty site. You knit simple squares with any kind of worsted weight yarn. Send them to the address on the site - and they knit them all together into blankets for the homeless. How wonderful! So, when I feel the mood to knit, but don't want to sit there with the book and follow a pattern, I'm just knitting 7"x9" squares.

Not much else going on lately. I didn't get the job I interviewed for two weeks ago. It was basically a promotion from the position I'm in now. I was so disappointed, because I was given a lot of false hope for this position. I came in 'second' on my interview. Story of my life. Second time I came in second for this same position. Unbelievable. Anyway, I get upset whenever I think about it, so I won't go into details.

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