Sunday, May 06, 2007


I am totally disgusted. I just read this news article about doctors finding spiders inside a boy's ear!!! (cold chills!) Just nasty.

Apparently, he kept hearing a 'rice crispy' type sound on his ear, so his mother brought him to the doctors. They found that what he had been hearing was the spiders walking on his eardrum. Unbelieveable.

Sorry, not much else to contribute to this except that I HATE spiders. Absolutely hate them. Even the teeny tiny baby ones I use Raid to kill them. I can't do the tissue thing - my heartrate goes up immediately and I just feel terrified. My husband hates the smell of Raid - so I've resorted to household cleaning products like Tilex. That kills them and doesn't leave a greasy stain on the walls. HA!

Yuck, yuck, yuck. I just can't get over it.

1 comment:

Monte Kitty said...

Yeah, that story just made me cringe. And your story got almost the same reaction. Again, here come the cold chills. It's good Alan told you it was an ant. I would have completely freaked. I'm a raid and vacuum cleaner type person. Yup.