Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Ain't life funny?

OK, this isn't the funny part. I don't know what is going on with my Blogger. I can't add titles to my posts! The title field is there, but I can't click into it or type into it. Frustrating. So, I'm manually creating a "title" within my entry.

Now, my real blog. One boring evening, I decided to search on loom knitting on You Tube. Don't ask me why, because I have no idea what made me even think of loom knitting. I was surfing on You Tube, so I probably saw it as a link on something else. Anyway...

I came across these instructional videos from purlingsprite that just made me completely fascinated with loom knitting. I had no idea what that colorful round frame with all the little pegs sticking out of it could do! Or what it was for. I've seen them forever at the craft stores.

Last night, I was catching up on my taped episodes of Knitty Gritty, and who should be a guest on the show??? My loom instructor from You Tube, Isela Phelps (I figure since she was on TV, it's ok to reveal her name on my little blog). Turns out she has her own blog and has published a book on loom knitting. In fact, she and her husband create and sell looms! What a small world.

So, what am I doing tonight? Happily catching up on the Purling Sprite blog and reminding myself that I have way too many WIPs to even think about starting to take up looming.

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