Saturday, July 07, 2007

I'm feeling a little down today

Actually, the day itself was not bad, but there has been a little cloud of sadness over me. Today would have been Bubbles' 16th birthday. Which mean, in another 7 days, he would have been gone from us for one year. One year already!

It brings back memories of what a difficult time it was for me and my family last year during these very same days. Bubbles was diagnosed with cancer, then it seemed to be in remission. Then it came back in full force. He was not able to stand or walk at this time, and my parents lovingly hand fed him all his meals every day. It was a very sad time for all of us.

I hugged his picture today and cried a bit. I still miss him very much. Sigh...

On a happier note, we've been catching up on movies this summer. We just watched Blood Diamond. Very good movie, but since I know those things happen in reality, it was disturbing. I'm sure diamonds are not as rare as the distributors want the world to think, but they control it. And to think of all the carnage that happened in the last, God only knows how many, years - it's just sickening. Anyway, good performances by Leonardo DiCaprio and Djimon Hounsou.

Tonight, I felt like a comedy, so we watched First 50 Dates with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. I liked it, but it was sad at times. I really like both actors, and there were some very funny scenes. If you ever watch it, be assured that the comment they make about a Walrus' (eh em) private parts, is true. Years ago, I went to Sea World with some friends and while visiting the Walrus exhibit... well, let's just say, I have a very funny picture that is evidence of what they talk about in the movie. Hey, if you ever saw it live, you'd break out your camera too.

Earlier this afternoon, I watched Volver, with Penelope Cruz. It's actually very good. I was surprised that I enjoyed it so much. Unlike other films, this was completely in Spanish, so I couldn't knit and watch at the same time. I actually had to pay attention and read the subtitles. It's not the best film in the world, but it was good. Penelope Cruz is so pretty, even though she has raccoon eye make up throughout the film.

The All Star Game festivities have begun. My hubby and I just ran outside to watch a short fireworks show near AT&T Park. They're closing off streets and traffic is going to be crazy here. I think I'll be ok getting to work in the mornings, and I can always walk home from work. My hubby has to get to Redwood City. He may try to take the CalTrain. It would be a nightmare for when he tries to get home by car. On Monday, he wants to go to the park, because they're doing something called the Home Run Derby. Should be interesting.

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