Thursday, November 02, 2006

Almost there!!!

Just 4" to go, and I'll be able to sew up my sweater and wear it!!! Just in time for the winter. It's been a huge learning experience, and I'm rather proud of myself for 'almost' finishing an actual, whole sweater! Whoo hoo!

I'm holding off starting any of my 'Christmas' goodies until I finish the sweater - which is good, because I know I need to start on my other projects soon (can't believe it's November already), so it pushes me to finish the sweater faster.

So, the other night, while knitting away, I happened to catch Ju On 2 (original Japanese version of The Grudge 2) on TV. It's TERRIBLE!!! The first Ju On freaked me out - so I would call that a successful movie. But this second one, it wasn't like Blair Witch Project, but it was a step above a cheapy movie camera. The sound was bad. And I didn't realize how important background music is to create a mood for a scene - until I saw this movie with limited background music. Horrible. I had no clue what the heck was going on.

I admit it, when The Grudge 2 comes out on DVD, I'll probably watch it too. Sad, but true.

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