Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

I can't believe Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Eve has come and gone. We're actually in 2007 already!

Our original plans for NYE was to hang out at a friend's house and play Pictionary. Very low key, and lots of fun (Pictionary is one of my favorite party games). Well, those plans fell through, and instead we celebrated the new year with some other friends. G and her husband came over and we watched Superman Returns until around 11:15p. We then bundled up and headed out to the Cupid's Span sculpture on the Embarcadero. We found a spot where we weren't blinded by the street light (this one had gone out), and without anyone really clocking it, the only way we knew it was 2007 was when the fireworks started.

We initially thought that the fireworks would be blasting off closer to the Ferry Buildling, but nope. They were front and center to where we were standing. It was the most perfect view and just fabulous with the lighted Bay Bridge to the right of it.

It was the perfect way to end off the year.

I hope everyone was able to celebrate in their own way - and may your dreams for 2007 all come true!

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