Friday, November 30, 2007

Glorious vacation days...

It's almost the end of the year. At work, this means it's time to check how many vacation hours you have left, and if you're lucky, how many vacation hours you can carry over to use in the next year.

Well, this year, due to all the projects I've been working on, I discovered that I took exactly two vacation days. TWO!!! I admit, I do get every other Friday off because I work 9 hour days - so each week still adds up to a 40 hour work week for me. But I've missed several of those Fridays off because of work. I've done a lot of OT this year too.

So, I have vacation days I have to take or I lose them - because you can only carry over a certain amount of hours. Plus I have those extra days from the Fridays and weekends I ended up working. My goodness.

I'm not complaining, but it's much easier planning a vacation in advance rather than just throwing in days whenever I can take off within the last 4 weeks of the year. But I'll suffer though the last minute scheduling... the sleeping in totally makes up for it. Heh, heh!

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