Friday, January 27, 2006

So long and fair well...

...and don't let the door hit you on the way out!

HAHA! I am telecommuting Monday and Tuesday - so I will never have to see HER ever again. No awkward goodbyes or fake words of kindness. Today was the last day I will ever have to deal with HER!

I'm sure she's going to call me on Monday or Tuesday at home, like she always does when I'm out sick. But shockingly enough, this time no one is going to pick up the phone! She's going to call because all this week, she was supposed to transition her work to me, but was too busy yapping to everyone about her move to do her job. So, come Monday and Tuesday, I'm not going to be there. Tough. She's always leaving stuff to the last minute anyway, so it'll be no different when I have to figure things out for myself.

But you know what? Things always come around in a way you don't expect it. I got a new job! In fact, I didn't even have to apply for anything, I had three job offers come to me! I couldn't believe my luck! I've secured myself a great position where I will be able to make the job my own - doing project work and backing up the supervisor when he's away. This is a far better position than if I had gotten the Senior position that I originally wanted. Much more responsiblity and freedom to learn, and a great opportunity to develop my leadership skills. I'm going to be fine. I haven't told anyone at work because others are still looking for jobs and are worried - so I'm keeping my good news to myself for now.

So, tonight, I celebrate. I celebrate my new job. I celebrate never having to deal with HER ever again. I celebrate myself for keeping my cool today and not telling her off like I've been dreaming to since I heard she was leaving.

So long! Fair well! Auf Wiedersehen! Au revoir! Good riddance!

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