Saturday, March 11, 2006

Getting ready

Only 12 more days until we take off to Europe! I can't believe it. To think I've always said that we have to celebrate our 10 year (together) anniversary with a trip to Paris and London, and it's really time to go! I don't understand how 10 years can fly by so quickly!

Today, we did a lot of running around and doing some last minute shopping for our trip - picking up a few other items along the way. We went to Burlington Coat Factory. Funny thing about this place? They have more of everything else rather than coats. Anyway, I found two awesome jackets - bought both of them for under $100! SCORE! One is a very cute pink snowboarding jacket. No, I do not snowboard, but it's a very nice and warm jacket that is perfect for the chilly days. I'm trying to exercise more and walk home from work - so, I'll need the warmer jacket.

The second is a lighter jacket for the trip. I don't know how to describe it, but it's mid-thigh length, water resistant with a hood. It's black with beige lining - I like it because when you turn up the sleeves, you see the beige - so it's not just black all over. It works with jeans, or a nice dress for dinner. Best of all, it's thin enough for me to stuff into my backpack when necessary.

We then stopped by Pier 1 and found the bookcase that we've been looking for. It's one of those coveted pieces for that one 'spot' in the home that needed something. Now, all my cookbooks are neatly lined up. They had been sitting in a box since we moved into this condo last July. Now, Jamie Oliver, Betty Crocker, and Giada DiLaurentis are all at my fingertips.

Our place is a complete mess, so it's a good thing I did our three loads of laundry tonight. I'm going to be busy just tidying up. All my clothes from the week are in a pile next to my bed. It's quite sad. I can't go on this trip knowing the house is a mess - I hate coming home to a disaster. I need it clean.

Still have to get some good walking shoes, and then some Euros and Pounds from the bank. Last time I went to Europe, I was 10 - I didn't have to worry about these kinds of details. I'm just lucky I remember I have to do it. I guess I should make a list. ARGH!

On top of everything else, it was announced that the first round of folks from my floor at work are to be packed and moved on March 23. That's the day I leave for Europe. The second, and last, round will go on April 6. I'll be back a day before that, so I'll pop into the office to say my goodbyes. I don't want to though. It's going to be sad. I hate goodbyes. I've made some good friends, and I know we'll keep in touch, but it won't be the same. So much going on these days...

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