Sunday, March 19, 2006

Oh great...

I was just reading and riots have broken out in Paris - AGAIN. Not to be selfish, but when the last riots broke out a few months ago, I was worried about it affecting my trip. And now it's happening again.

Ok, I admit it. It is for selfish reasons. I've waited my whole life for this trip, and now I have to worry about riots??? Riots! Come on! And it's not a small protest in an area we can just avoid. We're talking 500,000 people from across the country - angry people - marching through Paris. Cars are being set on fire, stones thrown at people, a McDonald's was attacked. It's an angry mob - and we'll be in the heart of it by next Tuesday.

We start our trip in Belgrade, and then one night in London, so HOPEFULLY, all this anger will have subsided by the time our train arrives in Paris. I don't speak French that well, so it makes it more scary to be in that situation.

I'm not going to speak on what the people are rioting about, but in my very humble opinion, violence gets you nowhere. What does setting a car on fire have to do with anything? I mean, really? Attacking a McDonalds? What is that supposed to mean? I don't understand.

Anyway, yes, for selfish reasons, I hope all is peacefull again by the time we get there. It's my very first trip to Paris. I can't imagine all those beautiful areas that I've been researching for so many months to be closed off by mobs of angry people. It's just wrong!!!

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