Friday, December 30, 2005

Long day...

After a week of sleeping in most mornings, it was so hard to get my body out of bed this morning. I'm not even sure what time it was - it was still dark. I just remember hearing my husband's alarm go off and then him nudding me for the next five minutes trying to make me get up.

We had to take our car to San Jose to fix a window. We were supposed to drop off the car at the service center between 7a and 9a for same day service. Well, we got to San Jose around 8:30a. At first the service guy was like, "Oh, I'm booked up until next Wednesday..." After a little pushing from my husband, and reminding the guy that he told us specifically that we didn't need to make an appointment before bringing in the car, and emphasizing that we drove all the way from San Francisco, the guy told us he would try to work on the car today. Key word... "Try"

Anyway, we walked over to the Valley Fair Mall, a wee bit pissed with the fact that we almost got turned away completely. Let me tell you - I love shopping. LOVE shopping. The fact that I haven't shopped much this whole year because of the new condo just kills me. Not that I buy out a store or anything, but now, even those little 'just because I like them' pieces that I normally would have in my closet already - I put them back on the sheves and put my credit card away. So, actually going to the mall is a treat for me (I sound so deprived, don't I?)

My point is, arriving at the mall at 8:45am and having to sit there when you're stone tired until 10am is pure HELL. We walked around the empty complex and I scoped out all the stores that I was going to browse when they opened. Finally at long last, 10am slowly rolled around. The plan was, I would shop around until 11:15a or so, and then we would walk over to the theaters to catch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire at 12:15a. Well, again, here is time's cruel trick. 11:15a came so fast, I only got to see some of the stores before we had to go.

The movie was great. Great for me, because I had read the books and understood what was going on. Some parts were rather skimmed over, and the dialog I felt was choppy, but on the whole, the special effects were excellent and I enjoyed it. My husband, however, was lost. I had to explain to him certain areas where he had no idea what was going on.

About 15 minutes into the movie, the service center called. For the first time, our car was actually ready before 3pm. Normally, we just hang out at the mall from the early morning until around 2pm or 3pm - and we can't wait to get the hell outta there. But today, we were going to finish the movie, get the car, and then head back to the mall for a little bit and then leave. Well, that was the plan until my hubby got in the car and drove right onto the freeway - heading for home. I was like, "Uh, weren't we supposed to go back to the mall?" Within 10 minutes of us discussing our plans, he had forgotten. Geez!

Anyway, traffic was bad and I just said forget it - and we came home. I'm a bit disappointed - I was looking forward to doing a little shopping today. I mean, at least to have a chance to browse. It's not like we go to San Jose all the time - we only go for the car (when something goes wrong). And in Northern California - I must admit, that is my favorite mall. So, I was annoyed for a while, but what can I say? I'm bitter because my husband didn't drive me back to the mall?

It's just that we've had the whole week off from work - and mainly have done nothing but be lazy around the house. I wanted to be out and about. I haven't shopped much this whole year - and yes, I would like to wear a new piece or two from 2005. OK, yeah, I admit it. I'm still annoyed we came home so early. Oh well. My own fault for not offering to drive. If I drove, we'd have gone to the mall. I just didn't think that he'd forget something we discussed not 10 minutes earlier. Whatever.

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