Thursday, December 22, 2005

Why do people do this?

It's been an extremely dreary day. The sky was dark and gloomy. Rain was coming down at random. It's been raining on and off the last several days.

So, why is it that people feel it's OK to tie their dog to a tree on the sidewalk and go grocery shopping - and leave the poor animal standing in the rain? Is that really necessary? Is that just not thinking? Is that not caring?

I bet you the person who tied the dog up, ran into the store to avoid getting wet themselves.

I'm not a huge animal activist who protests animal cruelty (and of course, I don't condone it), and I'm not a vegetarian - but I do love animals. I would never do that to my dog. I even towel off my cat's head when he sticks his head out the window and a few drops of rain get him wet. I just don't see the reason for leaving a pet outside to wait for you in this kind of weather.

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