Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Monte update

My hubby just called. He said the Vet called him and told him that they weren't able to extract Monte's tooth. Apparently, his heart rate went really low and they had to bring him out almost right after they put him under. He was having a reaction to the anethesia. He's been under before, but they said that it's possible that this developed just simply from his being older now. They took an EKG and said that his upper heart valve is not communicating with his lower valve. I don't know what that means, but I'm sure the doctor will explain more when we go there tonight.

My heart is racing and I feel so helpless. At this point, Monte is OK - but they're going to observe him for a couple of hours before letting us bring him home. The Vet is also trying to figure out what they can do about his tooth since they can't put him under, but of course, that's not the main concern right now. Another worry is, what will they do if Monte ever has to have any surgery or anything that may require him to be put under again?

There's nothing I can do but wait. I just want to bring my baby home. I'm so scared.

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