Tuesday, July 05, 2005


I am utterly exhausted. Sitting here at my desk, I just have no energy and my eyes feel like they're on fire. On Sunday, we went back and forth from the old apt to the condo, moving more stuff. On Monday, we loaded with car with 'almost' the last of our stuff (my goodness!) and then I vacuumed the entire apartment, cleaned all the counters and appliances in the kitchen, and then started the 'self-cleaning' oven. My hubby is redoing the caulking around the bathtub.

To explain a little on why we're doing all this... The apartment belongs to my parents. We've been renting from them for the last nine years. So, even though they keep saying, "Just leave it. We'll have someone come in to clean it," I just can't leave it in a mess. I just can't do it. In all honest, I did the same for all three apartments I had in an Diego. I just don't like leaving things in a mess like that.

So, sometime this week, we're going back so my husband can finish the bathtub, and I will vacuum out the ashes from the oven. The last few items to bring back are the vacuum cleaner, various cleaning products, a couple of large, framed pictures, and my beloved Les Miserables and Phantom of the Opera posters (yet to be framed).

All in all, this was an incredibly busy, non-stop weekend. I think this is the most calm I've been in the past four days. I'm drained.

1 comment:

lumlumaaaaaaah said...

Yeah! You've moved in!