Monday, July 11, 2005

White water fun

The weekend has come and gone. Twelve of us went white water rafting at the American River this weekend. We left on Friday afternoon and set up camp at the EarthTrek Expeditions site. Had the mandatory night around a large campfire, catching up with old friends, watching friends make new friends. The only thing missing was a guitar and smores.

The next morning, we had breakfast and were on the bus by 8:45am. By 9:30a we were geared up in helmuts and lifevests and putting our feet into the ice cold water of the Middle Fork river. I'll tell you, not even the strongest coffee in the world has the same wakeup punch as that ice water.

The day was AWESOME! I almost fell out twice, but my record has not been broken yet. At one point, my butt was off the raft and in the water, but I managed to grab on to a line in the boat and haul myself back in. WHEW!!! It's not that I'm scared of falling in or anything. It's just that the water is so cold - I really didn't want a full body dunk if I could help it. It was an exhausting day, but well worth it. Everyone had a blast. That night, the firepit was occupied by another group, so we sat around our little citronella candle and told ghost stories all night. Kind of a funny sight. Twelve of us huddled around a little yellow candle.

The next morning, we packed up and headed our separate ways. It was a wonderful weekend. I already can't wait until our next white water adventure next year.

Now, I get to actually go home each night and clean up our mess of a home. Our friend who stayed with us left this morning, so the study will once again become a disaster area as I spread out and sort all my little goodies and try to find the perfect place for everything.

Still haven't set up my computer at home yet, so pictures will have to wait. But I'll try to get them up soon.

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