Sunday, August 21, 2005

Great news

A few posts ago, I mentioned that my friend's cat might have to be put to sleep because of kidney failure. Well, the great news is, after further testing, Max is OK!!! He does not have kidney failure. There is nothing wrong with him at all! What they suspect is that he must have eaten something, maybe a dropped pill, that shot his toxic levels way off the charts - leading to the signs of kidney failure.

Good thing they did more tests. Max is alive and well - and healthy. Yea for the kitty!

In not so great news, I'm sick again. It hit me suddenly Friday night. My throat was sore, but I thought that was just from the allergies I was suffering. I had been sneezing all day. Well, I woke up Saturday morning and I was just miserable. My throat was on fire every time I swallowed, and my sinuses are completely swollen. I'm doing that thing where you lay on one side for only a few minutes before that nostril gets completely plugged up, and then you have to flip to the other side.

My birthday is on Friday - I'm just praying that I don't end up losing my voice like I did the last time I had a cold. It takes several days just for my voice to recover, even when I'm not feeling sick anymore. I don't know what to do to prevent it. I just wake up in the morning, and it's gone.

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