Friday, September 23, 2005

Daily suffering

Haven't felt like writing anything in a while. It's been very stressful at work and usually I just want to go home, watch TV, and not think about anything for a few hours. My insomnia was in full swing this week. I've be running on about 4 hours of sleep every night. I'm sure I'll probably wake up around noon tomorrow - my body's effort to catch up.

So many things going on at work. I'm not going to get into it, but I am actively looking for work in a different department now. If that doesn't work out, then I'll be looking in the outside world. I haven't touched my resume for so many years, at least three. I don't even know how to even begin summarizing what I do, what I've done... It's depressing getting up in the mornings to head into a place where I dread the next 9 hours. Not that it's ever been a party, but I've always been able to enjoy my work, if not all the people. But now, I hate coming in every day. I count the minutes and seconds until I can go to lunch or better yet, home.

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