Thursday, May 04, 2006

Bored at work

I'm back to normal again. Even went to lunch with my friend and let her gush about her visit with Giada Di Laurentiis. Turns out I was mistaken. She didn't buy her outfit two weeks ago, like I thought. She bought it just this past weekend for the Monday book signing. Still, I wish she had told me about it sooner, and not just called me from the actual event.

Anyway, I'm over it. She's gone, and I can still see her on TV every day. That's fine.

On another topic, I'm staring at the clock and just waiting for 6pm to roll around. I'm on a new schedule where I get every other Friday off, but that means I'm here 1 extra hour every day. Tomorrow I get an 8 hour day. In total, I still just put in 40 hours a week.

So what am I doing on my first day off next Friday? Dentist appointment. Gotta do it. #1. I don't want to waste my sick time on a 30 minute teeth cleaning and check up (please pray I don't have cavities). #2. It's in Downtown SF, so I can roam around the shops before and afterwards. Nothing wrong with that part.

Another thing I'm so tempted with right now, I can't quite do it yet (too many people around), is try my crochet again. I have my ball of yarn and my crochet needle sitting on my desk. I feel like just going on the web and looking up some instructions for help - I'm not picking it up too well. I bought the new Debbie Stoller book Stitch 'N Bitch Crochet - The Happy Hooker, and I've been very disappointed. Unlike her knitting books (which I love), this book is confusing and the pictures don't make any sense to me. I'm just trying to make one of the hats, and I can't even get it started. Frustrating.

1 comment:

Monte Kitty said...

I just really need to sit down, no TV blaring in the background, and concentrate on the book. It's just that her illustrations aren't clear, so I'm not sure where I'm supposed to stick that hook. And she does things a little differently than other guide books I've seen. My goal is to make those bunny slippers and one of the caps by Christmas (yeah right).