Monday, June 19, 2006

Happy Day!

Had an early Father's Day dinner with my side of the family on Saturday. Afterwards, we went upstairs to see Bubbles. He was sleeping at first...

But then when he realized that we were there, he was so happy! His tail was wagging almost the whole time, so different from when I saw him on Tuesday when he barely had any strength. He came and snuggled with me right away. Then he went and did his little 'hello' sniffs to everyone in the room - and then snuggled with me the rest of the time we were there. He had so much more energy than before. He's definitely breathing better, and his thyroid is just a small little bump now.

We're thinking that lump they found on his lung is probably benign and has been there for a while. But we don't know for sure - so we're happy for whatever progress he's making.

As of Sunday, mom says he's been following her around - slowly. Most important is that he's able to - and wanting to. He's been eating at least one meal of solid food a day. In the mornings, they still give him tube fulls of the Ensure and his medicine. Day by day, he's getting back to his old self.

Here's a picture of him on Saturday. Sorry the color is so bad. I think I'm going to change it to a black and white picture instead. But here he is, our Bubbles! Up and about. Yea!!!

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