Sunday, May 22, 2005

Shredding Frenzy

Shred, shred, shred. That's all I've been doing all day long. All that paper work that had taken over our kitchen counter, bedroom floor, and study floor is now sitting in two heaping piles on my dining table. We don't eat there anyway, so it's OK. For the last four hours, I've been going through all the paper, separating them into neat little piles by category, ready to be filed away.

I should explain that our small dining table is in front of our filing cabinet. It's not one of those metal ones you see in an office, but it's a nice two drawer lateral cabinet in a nice light wood. My mom gave me a beautiful embroidered runner that I've placed on top and decorated with pictures and such. It looks more like a sideboard. Anyway, that's why I stationed myself at the dining table. All those stacks of paper were going to be organized and filed into that cabinet.

Before I could put anything away, I had to go through the cabinet and clear out all the old receipts and such to make some room. I didn't realize how much shopping I really did last year until I pulled out handfuls of receipts from GAP, Banana Republic, Macys... I've been VERY good this year though. I didn't even shop for myself for Christmas. I think I've only shopped for myself twice this year - and that was with gift certificates and coupons - so I really haven't bought anything.

Anyway, I just shred everything. I was on a shredding frenzy. Even things that didn't need to be shredded - they're all confetti now. So, my files are pretty much organized now. The two remaining piles are my husband's papers. It's his turn to shred!

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