Saturday, May 21, 2005

Too much stuff!!!

I'm sitting in the storage room that was once our second bedroom/study. I don't call it a disaster area only because the room is in an organized chaos. There are books and papers everywhere, but they are in neat piles here and there. I think I would go crazy if they were scattered.

The only area to walk around is in the shape a T. The short path goes from the door to the closet. And the long path leads to the computer. That's it. It's quite ridiculous. And supposedly, I've gotten rid of a lot of unnecessary things in preparation for our move already. I guess I'll be spending a few more hours on Ebay in the next few weeks.

How did we accumulate all this stuff??? It's mind boggling. I look around and there are piles of papers that I have to file. The bookcase is overflowing - so forget about even finding a book in there. On top of the dresser, there's my new beach towel. It's there because the drawers and closets are too full to fit it. One towel! No room. Sad. There is also a bag full of yarn from my unfinished projects. Ski goggles that we still have to return to a friend - and it's May! Books for our upcoming trip to New York and Ohio for a family reunion.

And we're supposed to move all this in a month or so? I'm terrified.

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